Articles for Nokulunga Majola

Covid-19: It’s hard to practise hygiene in unhygienic conditions, say Mathambo residents

Informal settlement north of Durban needs more toilets and taps


News | 9 April 2020

Covid-19: Shackdwellers lose court case to stop demolitions

“Covid-19 does not mean that there must be a holiday in respecting the laws of the country” says Durban mayor

By and

News | 8 April 2020

Covid-19: How can children wash their hands if they’re homeless? asks activist

Abahlali baseMjondolo Women’s League slams demolitions


News | 7 April 2020

Covid-19: I wouldn’t go back to the streets says homeless man

Over 2,000 homeless people placed in shelters in Durban


News | 6 April 2020

Covid-19: Shack demolitions continue in Durban despite moratorium plea

Abahlali BaseMjondolo accuse eThekwini Municipality of using the lockdown to “wage a war” against the movement


News | 3 April 2020

“I am living in a toilet,” says eThekwini resident

Residents want the municipality to fix a sewage leak which they say has been overflowing since early January


Brief | 16 March 2020

“People are dying and getting injured everyday on this road,” says Cornubia resident

EThekwini Municipality says it is considering erecting a temporary steel pedestrian bridge on the R102


Brief | 12 March 2020

After being excluded for two years, Wandile, 8, starts school

KZN child was denied education because he has no birth certificate


Brief | 25 February 2020

Abahlali marches in support of land expropriation

“We want government to give us title deeds for the land that we are already occupying”


News | 24 February 2020

Violent protests after taps run dry in Ntuzuma

Municipality says load shedding is partly to blame for water crisis


News | 6 February 2020

Durban families cut off as road wastes away

Dirt road in Inanda suburb hasn’t been touched by municipality for years, say residents


Brief | 3 September 2018

Land occupiers caught in battle between private landowner and tribal council

Ten homes bulldozed in Verulam north of Durban


Brief | 30 August 2018

KZN transit camp erupts over long wait for houses

We are living like animals, says Isipingo resident


Brief | 24 August 2018

Qadi Tribal Council defies City in land occupation

eThekwini land invasion unit used rubber bullets on people who bought plots from the tribal council


Brief | 23 August 2018

Residents threaten to destroy new road

People who had homes demolished for road construction in 2013 have still not been compensated


Brief | 20 August 2018

Muti traders protest after fire

Report on blaze could lead to closure of Durban Herbal Market


Brief | 2 August 2018