Articles for Raymond Joseph

Secrecy surrounds R80 million in Lottery funding for sports project

Politically connected businessman Solly Siweya pops up again


News | 9 December 2021

MPs demand update on Special Investigation Unit’s Lottery probe

DA’s Mat Cuthbert says SIU has already missed a deadline given by the President


Brief | 8 December 2021

The minister, the Lottery boss and the luxury R5.6 million home

The strange story of the house Fikile Mbalula offered to buy

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Feature | 29 November 2021

Lottery boss suspended as corruption probe heats up

Special Investigating Unit requested Phillemon Letwaba’s suspension


News | 8 October 2021

Television pastor and her cronies rake in millions in Lottery grants

Joyline Josamu is a pastor in the church of wealthy televangelist Chris Oyakhilome


News | 9 September 2021

Threat to journalist investigating Lottery corruption

Tebogo Sithathu’s organisation got grants totalling R9.7 million, but National Lotteries Commission won’t say what it was for


News | 30 August 2021

Millions in Lottery funds spent on one-night “music and arts festival”

NPO was given R4.8 million for the concert

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Feature | 10 August 2021

Lottery COO back at work after 17-month “leave of absence”

Audit firm SkX has so far been paid R9.65 million to investigate alleged Lottery corruption


News | 26 July 2021

Minister of Justice’s law firm bungled lottery corruption probe

Reports submitted by Ndobela Lamola Inc are full of forged documents

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Feature | 21 July 2021

Dr Tumi, the Lottery and the alleged fraud of R1.5 million

The modus operandi appears similar to other dodgy Lottery-funded projects

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News | 10 June 2021

Lottery fast tracks R500,000 grant for Simphiwe Dana’s extravaganza

Funding was awarded just weeks after the company was registered, and after the event took place


News | 10 May 2021

Lottery spends millions fighting former employees

The National Lotteries Commission has already spent R5.7 million in only one of its legal battles


Brief | 28 April 2021

Litigious Lottery spends millions of rands on lawyers

The National Lotteries Commission has ongoing legal battles against Ebrahim Patel, former employees, and others trying to hold it accountable


Law | 22 April 2021

NLC Commissioner misleads Parliament – again

Dodgy lawyer paid millions in Lottery grants while also doing legal work for NLC


News | 9 April 2021

Minister and Lottery board “at war” over new chair

Numerous Lottery grants are being investigated for corruption


News | 31 March 2021

Marius Fransman, the Cape minstrels and the Lottery millions

New information bolsters the concern that public money may have been used for an ANC election campaign


News | 25 March 2021