Articles for Raymond Joseph

Key legal files involving Lottery’s multimillion-rand litigation have vanished

Minister suspects collaboration between former National Lotteries Commission and lawyers


News | 23 March 2023

Lottery gives R10-million for youth awards ceremony - but not a cent was spent on the event

Another million rand went to actress Terry Pheto


News | 14 March 2023

Strict new measures to combat Lottery corruption

No sign of dodgy NLC-funded non-profit at the address it supplied during portfolio committee oversight tour


News | 13 February 2023

Youth organisation scored big time from Lottery amendment for which it lobbied

Southern African Youth Movement picked up millions, thanks to the introduction of a new kind of funding


Analysis | 23 January 2023

How Lottery money was used to fund mansions for high flyers

Five luxury properties connected to misappropriated Lottery grants have been frozen by the Asset Forfeiture Unit


News | 16 January 2023

Mystery: Why did a youth movement get lottery funding to build an old age home that doesn’t appear to be needed?

Five years later, the R27.5-million facility hasn’t opened


News | 12 January 2023

R27-million from Lottery but six years later rehab still not operational

A leaked investigation report finds that value of construction work falls short of the funds paid by the NLC


News | 19 December 2022

R15m for 5-night show - the Tsotsi star’s Lottery-funded musical

Part one in a series about the Southern African Youth Movement and the Lottery


News | 12 December 2022

New full-time Lotteries boss to be appointed early next year

GroundUp has learned that Jodi Scholtz will take over as Commissioner of the National Lotteries Commission


Brief | 6 December 2022

Senior Lotteries staff suspended as corruption crackdown gains momentum

Key officials in the firing line


News | 30 November 2022

Army of fake companies used to defraud the Lottery

Documents and computers seized in raid on Lottery’s East London office as dodgy scheme implicating a former board member is uncovered


News | 17 November 2022

Terry Pheto’s house may go up for auction to recover Lottery funds

Numerous properties belonging to Lotteries Commission executives, their relatives and cronies frozen by court order


News | 7 November 2022

Millions to be spent to complete abandoned Lottery-funded projects

Engineers to be paid directly to finish multi-million rand infrastructure projects


News | 31 October 2022

Lottery cracks down on sky-high spending on lawyers

Minister demands details of legal costs


News | 20 October 2022

SIU investigating dodgy Lottery grants worth over R1.4-billion

“Courageous individuals, ranging from whistle-blowers to journalists and investigators, were essential to uncovering wrong-doing,” says Minister Ebrahim Patel


News | 28 September 2022