Articles for Kimberly Mutandiro

Showdown over land occupation in Brakpan looms

Eviction order is in place says councillor, but occupiers vow to resist


Brief | 30 August 2018

Power struggle between ANC and EFF in Brakpan turns violent

Some residents oppose EFF’s involvement in land occupation


News | 23 July 2018

It is not easy keeping cows in the township

Kwathema resident hopes to have land for his cattle one day


News | 16 July 2018

Health workers say they are undervalued and poorly equipped

The South African Human Rights Commission hosted a dialogue on the impact of strikes by health workers


News | 6 July 2018

DA and EFF at odds over Brakpan land occupation

Occupiers want ward councillor to address them in person


News | 4 July 2018

Rubber bullets fired at EFF-led Brakpan land occupiers

300 shacks demolished but occupiers say they are not leaving


News | 27 June 2018

EFF runs land occupation in Brakpan

But the municipality, which owns the land, wants to develop it for housing


News | 22 June 2018

18-year-old informal miner mourns his dead friend

It’s hard to go underground, but life must go on, says Tawanda


Feature | 14 June 2018

Private taxis cash in after Tsakane minibus rank closure

“When the cat is away, the mice will play,” says taxi driver


News | 25 May 2018

Case dropped against arrested informal gold miners

Four miners fined for contravening immigration law


Brief | 18 May 2018

Tsonga farmers put vacant Gauteng municipal land to good use

“The municipality warns us when someone buys the land, then we move on”


News | 11 April 2018

Informal gold miners raise money to bury their friend

More Ngondi was killed by mine security


Brief | 15 March 2018

Informal gold miner shot dead and eight arrested

Security guards accused of corruption and double-crossing illegal miners


News | 7 March 2018

Police target immigrant sex workers in Gauteng

We are only following orders from Home Affairs, say police


News | 12 February 2018

Man terrorized for renting shop to a Somali

Xenophobic Duduza residents “ban” Somali, Pakistani, Ethiopian, Bangladeshi and Eritrean residents from owning shops


News | 11 October 2017