Johannesburg fire: photos and interviews with an eye witness and rescuer

Death toll now 73 and expected to rise

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The bodies of victims of a fire in a Johannesburg building were laid out on the street.

Over 70 people died in a fire in a building on the corner of Albert and Delvers streets in the centre of Johannesburg on Wednesday night/Thursday morning.

The problem of overcrowded, unsafe, ā€œdarkā€ buildings in Johannesburg has been with us for decades. Here is an article from 2021: Immigrants tough it out in Joburgā€™s ā€œdark buildingsā€. That a fire like this would eventually happen was predictable.

This video contains interviews with eyewitness Thando Manzini, a student who lives in the opposite building, and Floyd Brink, Johannesburg City Manager. Video: Ihsaan Haffejee

Emergency personnel at the burnt out building on Thursday morning

Forensic workers were on the scene

Firefighters entered the building

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