One month ago the Daily Maverick published an article by De Wet Potgieter headlined "Al Qaeda is alive and well in South Africa." A second part was promised, but has still not been published.
Yael Even Or and Camila Osorio
Opinion | 17 June 2013
This was originally published as a letter in the Cape Times on 14 June 2013.
Doron Isaacs
Opinion | 14 June 2013
While many South Africans are enduring overcrowded taxis or ever-increasing rail fares on their daily commute, Wilfred “Jack” Delekile, a 60 year old plumber from Khayelitsha, is cycling to and from his work.
Bonga Magazi
News | 13 June 2013
Equal Education (EE) filed papers on Monday to re-open the case against the Minister for not publishing minimum norms and standards for school infrastructure.
GroundUp Staff
News | 12 June 2013
On 10 and 11 June, the fourth round in the trial of two Zambian men who are charged with having “carnal knowledge [of each other] against the order of nature” took place.
Jonathan Dockney
News | 12 June 2013
Albert Kafuka heard his landlady's nephew shout, "I wonder why mum allows these ... sexual animals to stay in the house and bring in their dirty behaviours." Kafuka, who is gay, was then beaten up.
Tariro Washinyira
News | 12 June 2013
The South African Government hasn't created effective reintegration programs for former prisoners. Young In Prison (YIP) is an organization that addresses the lack of programs for young inmates.
Fergus Turner
News | 12 June 2013
The annual wage bargaining season — erroneously labelled the “strike season” — is upon us. Workers around the country, through their unions and in bargaining councils and bilateral negotiations with employers, are determining wages and conditions for the coming year or more.
Terry Bell
Opinion | 12 June 2013
Somalis marched to Parliament on 7 June in response to xenophobic violence against Somali refugees. About 500 people participated.
Tariro Washinyira
Brief | 12 June 2013
The public spats over portable toilets have been at the forefront of the news. But what exactly are portable toilets? How do they work? What is good and what is bad about them?
Mary-Anne Gontsana
News | 12 June 2013
Zambian activist Paul Kasonkomona has won an important first round in his court battle. In an interview on Zambian television in April he called for the recognition of gay and lesbian rights, as well as the rights of sex workers. He was arrested after the interview and charged under section 178(g) of the Zambian Penal Code.
Jonathan Dockney
News | 6 June 2013
Mayor Patricia de Lille held a press conference today to address an unfavourable audit by the Social Justice Coalition (SJC) about the quality of the City's sanitation services in Khayelitsha.
Amelia Earnest
News | 5 June 2013
This letter is to the City officials: I've read through the article. Nowhere does it state what … Read more
We got to this clinic so early and the queue wasn't that long. The nurses here have a bad reputatio… Read more
YCH received approval for all their housing schemes from both Provincial Government and the SHRA. T… Read more
To the Mayor of Cape Town You say the City works for you. People gets evicted every day in this … Read more
Imagine. In mid-January 2024 I was travelling back from Cape Town. We stopped at Matjiesfontein and… Read more