Under a hail of criticism, the City is making attempts at sanitation improvements in the informal settlements. On June 25, 300 people took to the streets in a protest demanding faster action. This photo story looks at sanitation in Makhaza, Khayelitsha.
Amelia Earnest
News | 26 June 2013
Last Saturday, after three days of discussion, 300 members of multiple social movements marched in Cape Town and delivered a letter to the South African Government about land reform and land tenure.
Camila Osorio
News | 26 June 2013
Mzoli’s Place, also known simply as Mzoli’s, is a butchery-come-restaurant. Situated in the heart of Gugulethu, a Cape Town township whose name means "Our Pride", Mzoli’s is one of the most popular hangouts in the Mother City.
Thandile Majivolo
News | 26 June 2013
The word Lwazi means knowledge, and it seems that Lwazi Public Primary School in Gugulethu is appropriately named.
Tebello Mzamo
News | 26 June 2013
It is the 100th anniversary of the Natives Land Act. We spoke to Ben Cousins, a professor at the University of Western Cape and founder of the Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies.
Camila Osorio
News | 26 June 2013
Monica Gotshana, is a single mother of five children from Khayelitsha’s Site B. Today is her last day working as a janitor for the City of Cape Town because her six month contract comes to an end. She talked about her experience working as a toilet cleaner.
Mary-Anne Gontsana
News | 26 June 2013
The private security industry in South Africa is one of the largest in the world, with active registered security guards outnumbering police by almost three to one and eight security companies for every police station.
Craig Oosthuizen
Opinion | 26 June 2013
Under a hail of criticism, the City is making attempts at sanitation improvements in the informal settlements. On June 25, 300 people took to the streets in a protest demanding faster action. This photo story looks at sanitation in Makhaza, Khayelitsha.
Amelia Earnest
News | 26 June 2013
More than 300 people marched in the Cape Town city centre today to demand better sanitation in informal settlements.
Pharie Sefali
News | 25 June 2013
Last Friday, 27 civil society organizations signed a letter directed at Ms Jenni Irish-Qhobosheane, of the Civilian Secretariat for Police Service. The organisations requested more time to comment on the Green Paper on Policing that Ms Irish-Qhobosheane published last week.
Camila Osorio
News | 25 June 2013
Immigrants who protested outside Kraaifontein Police station on Thursday 20 June claim that police officers assigned to the Wallacedene area yelled offensive statements at them. They also gave harrowing accounts of how they lost their livelihoods.
Tariro Washinyira
News | 25 June 2013
Shit is at the centre of Cape Town's recent political conflict. Today the Social Justice Coalition (SJC) is marching to the Mayor's office and the Human Rights Commission to demand improvements to the City's sanitation programme. But what is it all about? With so many players and issues within issues as well as poo being thrown at politicians, it's understandable if you're confused. So here is a simple Q&A that tries to explain Cape Town's sanitation battles.
Amelia Earnest
News | 25 June 2013
E-tolling, excrement and expanded public works. Apart from starting with the letter “E” they appear at first sight to have nothing in common. But with the country heading toward what promises to be a bitterly contested election in April or May next year, they are not only linked, they are likely to be major campaigning features.
Terry Bell
Opinion | 24 June 2013
This is a response by the Mayoral Committee Member for Transport, Roads and Stormwater to an article published on GroundUp by Martin Eichhorn.
Brett Herron
News | 19 June 2013
The training was completed at Shelley Spar but equipment to hand out black cards has not yet arrive… Read more
Poor service delivery yet fat cats that remain in their jobs. Civil rights grossly neglected will l… Read more
With regard to Mitchells Plain town centre: it's really frustrating in how law enforcement apply th… Read more
This letter is to the City officials: I've read through the article. Nowhere does it state what … Read more
We got to this clinic so early and the queue wasn't that long. The nurses here have a bad reputatio… Read more