Zille’s misguided defence of Motshekga

Helen Zille may seem like an unlikely advocate for Angie Motshekga, but she is not. The two have come to each other’s aid on more than one occasion.

Doron Isaacs

Opinion | 23 July 2013

Red herring: Equating socialism with nationalism

Julius Malema’s Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) has now emerged as a new, self proclaimed, socialist party. It plans to stage a mass rally at Marikana on August 17, marking the anniversary of the bloody fracture in the local trade union and political environment.

Terry Bell

Opinion | 22 July 2013

What patients are saying about Khayelitsha Hospital

On 17 April the Western Cape Health Minister, Theuns Botha, opened Khayelitsha Hospital, “Today marks a milestone of improved service delivery for the people of the Western Cape. Finally, after a lifetime of travelling to distant hospitals, the people of Khayelitsha now have access to a hospital in their immediate vicinity that will compare to the best in the world.”

Pharie Sefali

News | 17 July 2013

Handing over the keys

News | 17 July 2013

At the Chopping Block

News | 17 July 2013

Nkaneng: sorry symbol of a century of neglect

Living conditions of Lonmin workers show how exploitation and neglect continue on South African platinum mines.

Raphael Chaskalson

Opinion | 17 July 2013

Jewish security organisation plays fast and loose with law

"He had me around the neck and he was huge so I had very little capacity to do anything much… I fell down and we went down the stairs and then we got into this car park …"

Yael Even Or

News | 17 July 2013

Residents of Mandalay worried about increase in burglaries

A series of robberies and break-ins has been occurring in Mandalay, a small residential area near Mitchell’s Plain. Initially a quiet area, Mandalay is currently a burglary hub.

Thandile Majivolo

News | 17 July 2013

We must confront the poisonous roots of the past

“History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived. But, if faced with courage, need not be lived again.” So wrote American author and poet Maya Angelou; providing an insight that seems highly pertinent to the South Africa of today, especially when considering the fraught situation in the mining sector.

Terry Bell

Opinion | 16 July 2013

Performance poetry takes Cape Town by storm

There is a movement of art sweeping South Africa--spoken word and performance poetry. Though a relatively modern artform, most agree that South African performance poetry is rooted in the old tradition of the sharing of oral stories and histories and influenced oftentimes by music. Performance poetry is composed with the expressed goal of sharing it with an audience.

Edirin Okoloko

News | 16 July 2013

Deaf demand more Sign Language

Sign Language is the primary language used by the deaf community in South Africa, yet to this day it is not officially recognized or well-integrated into everyday life.

Nwabisa Pondoyi

News | 16 July 2013

Protest against police brutality toward blind busker

A diverse crowd of over 200 protesters gathered in Greenmarket Square this afternoon to demonstrate on behalf of Mr Lunga Goodman Nono.

Amelia Earnest

News | 10 July 2013

How the police are failing rape survivors in Khayelitsha

There are severe problems with the way Khayelitsha police are handling rape cases explains Camila Osorio.

Camila Osorio

Feature | 10 July 2013

Fresh catch at Kalk Bay

News | 10 July 2013

The Chopping Block

News | 10 July 2013