City installation displaces street people

Amelia Earnest met people who live on the streets of Cape Town. Some of them have been living outside since they were children. The City recently made it harder for them. Read the full story below the photographs.

Amelia Earnest

News | 30 July 2013

Constitutional Court to hear if Khayelitsha police inquiry should proceed

Next month, the Constitutional Court will hear the appeal by Minister of Police Nathi Mthethwa after his application for an interdict to stop the Commission of Inquiry (COI) into policing in Khayelitsha was unsuccessful.The case is set for 6 August.

Mary-Anne Gontsana

News | 30 July 2013

City installation displaces street people

Amelia Earnest met people who live on the streets of Cape Town. Some of them have been living outside since they were children. The City recently made it harder for them. Read the full story below the photographs.

Amelia Earnest

News | 30 July 2013

Making pregnancy safe: Is South Africa on track?

Having a baby in South Africa can be dangerous. Despite a large government budget for maternal health and free maternity care in the public health system, the rate at which pregnant women die is troubling.

Kerry Gordon

News | 29 July 2013

The rights role of the labour movement

The discussion of socialism and nationalisation in this column last week has upset some trade unionists and at least one academic. They felt that the demands of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) of Julius Malema were equated with those of movements of the traditional Left.

Terry Bell

Opinion | 29 July 2013

Chaotic language policy goes to rights commission

Mr. Zolile Prusente is the curriculum specialist with the regional education department in Upington. Recently, he sent a complaint to the South African Human Rights Commission regarding a problematic shift in language policy in the past year.

Selby Nomnganga

News | 26 July 2013

14-year-old can’t find school to finish Grade 2

Olwethu is a 14-year-old boy whose dreams have been shattered. Due to his upbringing, Olwethu is only doing Grade 2 now at 14 instead of the usual age of 8.

Pharie Sefali

News | 24 July 2013

Police target homeless in Somerset West

Last year GroundUp ran a story about the Helderberg Street People’s Centre (HSPC), a soup kitchen in Somerset West. They were being forced to close down. The situation “has since gotten worse” according to chairman of the centre, Ian Greer.

Mary-Anne Gontsana

News | 24 July 2013

Sex work and disability: a crucial need seldom spoken about

On 19 July 2013, the Sex Workers Education and Advocacy Taskforce (SWEAT) hosted the Sisonke Open University Seminar on sex workers and people with disabilities. Ntokozo Yingwana, an Advocacy Officer at SWEAT, said that the seminar dealt with disability in the sex industry. She said she hoped the conference would help lift the stigma on this topic.

Jonathan Dockney

News | 24 July 2013

Initiation deaths can be stopped

As this year’s winter circumcision season comes to a close, communities across the country are mourning the decline of a respected tradition that has fallen into criminal hands.

Edirin Okoloko and Thandile Majivolo

Feature | 24 July 2013

Department of Coffee

News | 24 July 2013

Youth consider Mandela Day

We interviewed a small cross-section of South African society about Mandela Day. Some of the answers were surprising.

Pharie Sefali

News | 24 July 2013

Somewhere…over the rainbow

News | 24 July 2013

What should be done about land in South Africa?

I think about land matters quite a bit, especially now that I’m living on a small holding in the Karoo. In 1999, I was invited to make a video showing the "challenges" (yes that was still an acceptable word back then) of land reform in the Free State.

Jack Lewis

Opinion | 24 July 2013

Dutch family with South African children ordered to leave SA after 17 years!

The father of a Dutch family that has been living in South Africa since 1996 has been ordered to leave the country by the end of next week. The order came from Home Affairs in Cape Town. The family has been struggling with the department for 17 years to live and work legally in South Africa. Although the order is made against the father, it is effectively forcing the family to leave the country.

Tariro Washinyira

News | 23 July 2013

Solal Technologies actively promotes pseudoscience … and here’s how

Kevin Charleston explains why he stands by the comments a popular vitamin company is suing him for.

Kevin Charleston

Opinion | 23 July 2013