Nelson Mandela: An interview with Zackie Achmat

Nelson Mandela has died. He inspired and led the struggle for freedom and against the oppression of apartheid. GroundUp interviewed Zackie Achmat about Mandela. In the 2000s, Achmat led the struggle for life-saving medicines for people with HIV.

GroundUp Staff

News | 6 December 2013

Drought and debt for Northern Cape small farmers

In the middle of a drought, small scale subsistence farmers on the outskirts of Paballelo in the Northern Cape are facing a bill of R1.3 million for water.

Selby Nomnganga

News | 5 December 2013


News | 4 December 2013

World AIDS Day march

News | 4 December 2013

Young artists say no support from local government

GroundUp met with a group of young hip-hop and spaza music makers. The group complain that they have been at it for three years, but donā€™t get any support from local businesses and government.

Pharie Sefali

News | 4 December 2013

The week in political activism

This week we report on a petition to impeach the President, norms and standards for schools, TAC's march in Limpopo and the Cape Town Informal Settlements Coalition.

Brent Meersman and GroundUp staff

News | 4 December 2013

No one arrested for murder of young Musa Batyi

On 24 November, 17-year-old Musa Batyi was found at Better Life, Philippi, in a pool of blood. He had been stabbed once. He was in excruciating pain and losing blood. A short while later he died.

Nwabisa Pondoyi

News | 3 December 2013

Is Mozambique returning to war?

Frightening memories of the 16-year-long civil war have reignited in the minds of Mozambicans as tensions between RENAMO and FRELIMO reach a new high.

Fabio da Graca

Opinion | 3 December 2013

Rural Health: grossly unequal but some hope

While there are significant unmet health needs in many parts of South Africa, they are particularly acute in historically disadvantaged rural areas.

Tom Yates

Opinion | 3 December 2013

Awethu! - the people demand a better democracy

At a mass meeting on 28 November 2013, academics and activists from dozens of organisations, social movements, and local citizen groups from eight provinces came together as Awethu!.

Koketso Moeti

News | 2 December 2013

The need to remember history - and to plan political homes

One element lacking in the current debates about what is going on in Cosatu is any sense of recent history. Because there is nothing really new in the current spate of political bloodletting, in the bitterness and the backstabbing.

Terry Bell

Opinion | 2 December 2013

Small Things: an extract from Nthikeng Mohlele’s latest novel

Nthikeng Mohlele first came to national attention with his debut novel, "The Scent of Bliss" (Kwela, 2008). His new novel, "Small Things", published earlier this year (2013), will not disappoint his admirers.

Nthikeng Mohlele

News | 2 December 2013

AIDS medicine stockouts put thousands at risk

South Africaā€™s anti-retroviral (ARV) treatment programme is often hailed as one of the most important public health successes. It is the worldā€™s largest ARV programme, with over two million patients initiated on treatment. But it has serious problems: many patients often go without medicines because of stockouts.

Koketso Moeti

News | 28 November 2013

What’s it like to be gay or lesbian in Khayelitsha?

On 14 December, the Desmond Tutu Foundation will host a beauty pageant called Mr and Miss Gay Ekasi in Salt River. Most participants will be from Khayelitsha and other Cape Town townships. Does the popularity of events like these mean it is becoming easier to be gay or lesbian in Cape Townā€™s largest township?

Pharie Sefali

News | 28 November 2013

Tried twice for expired asylum papers: bureaucratic nightmare for Zimbabwean farm workers

The hardships and inconsistencies of the South African refugee system are illustrated by what has happened to Zimbabwean asylum seekers who work on a farm near Vanwyksdorp, a tiny rural town in the Western Cape, more than four hours drive from Cape Town, that is only served by gravel roads.

Tariro Washinyira and GroundUp staff

News | 28 November 2013