Judge Makhubele Judicial Conduct Tribunal

Tribunal urged to restore Makhubele’s dignity

Judge was unfairly branded a criminal and a liar, says her lawyer


News | 23 July 2024

Tribunal must decide who is telling the truth - Mlambo or Makhubele

Final oral arguments heard on whether Makhubele is guilty of gross misconduct for allegedly chairing PRASA board after being appointed judge


Law | 22 July 2024

Judge Makhubele is not fit to be a judge, says #UniteBehind

Judicial Conduct Tribunal prepares to wrap up hearing into possible gross misconduct


Law | 3 July 2024

Zuma lawyer to represent Judge Makhubele at misconduct inquiry

Makhubele is accused of abetting state capture while she was chair of PRASA


Law | 11 March 2024

Makhubele tribunal winding up

The tribunal will hear one more witness and argument then consider written and oral arguments before making a ruling


Law | 23 February 2024

Judge Makhubele accuses evidence leader of ridiculing her over her knowledge of the Constitution

She was questioned about section 174 of the Constitution which governs the appointment of judges


Law | 22 February 2024

Judge Makhubele says she never called Tribunal witnesses liars

Hearings at the Judicial Conduct Tribunal into alleged gross misconduct by the judge will resume on 22 February


Law | 9 February 2024

Judge Makhubele says there’s no evidence she aided state capture at PRASA

Hearing by the Judicial Conduct Tribunal into possible gross misconduct by the judge continues


Law | 8 February 2024

Judge Makhubele accuses PRASA whistleblowers of lying

The judge is before the Judicial Conduct Tribunal to answer charges of gross misconduct


Law | 7 February 2024

Judge Makhubele contradicts Gauteng Judge President’s testimony

“I deny there was such a meeting,” Makhubhele tells judicial tribunal


Law | 26 January 2024

Judge Makhubele finally gives evidence in her conduct Tribunal

Hearing commences four years after complaint was lodged against her


Law | 25 January 2024

Judge Makhubele threatens urgent court application to postpone conduct inquiry

She must be ready to give evidence on Thursday, tribunal rules


Brief | 24 January 2024

Tribunal rejects postponement of Judge Makhubele hearing

Hearings will resume whether or not Makhubele has legal representation, tribunal rules


Brief | 22 January 2024

Stop Judge Makhubele from milking the state and delaying justice

State capture-accused officials cannot be allowed to use the State Attorney as an ATM, write Zackie Achmat and Zukiswa Vuka

By and

Opinion | 8 August 2023

Judge wants her conduct tribunal postponed because of payment delay

#UniteBehind calls for Judge Makhubele’s legal costs to be made public


News | 31 July 2023

Siyaya lawyer agrees with the defence at Judge Makhubele tribunal

Transcripts from the Siyaya insolvency hearing show PRASA was bound to pay the corruption-accused company, argues Makhubele’s advocate


Law | 18 May 2023