Umrhabulo Triangle is the name of ward 96 in Makhaza Khayelitsha. Former ward councilor, Thabile Maxon Ludidi, had to step down when he faced corruption charges. Now 34-year old Councillor, Danile Khatshwa, is having to pick up the pieces.
Nokubonga Yawa
News | 12 September 2012
The councillor for a major ward in Khayelitsha says the city is ignoring the real needs of his community.
Mary-Jane Matsolo
News | 5 September 2012
Some parts of Athlone have serious violence and drug problems. We interviewed the ward councillor for these areas to find out what's being done about it.
Margo Fortune
News | 5 September 2012
GroundUp interviewed investigative journalist Greg Marinovich, who has published shocking findings about the deaths of miners at Marikana.
Mara Kardas-Nelson
News | 4 September 2012
None of the big political parties are showing the kind of leadership that is needed when it comes to housing.
Nathan Geffen
Opinion | 29 August 2012
I live in a house in Nyanga township in Cape Town. But before 1994 I lived in Nyanga Bush in a tent, then a plastic shack, then a corrugated iron shack.
Vuyiseka Dubula
Opinion | 8 August 2012
This past Saturday, 28 July, saw the launch of the ‘My Vote Counts’ campaign. The event took place at the District Six Museum in Cape Town and was attended by more than 40 social activists, all of whom participated in their personal capacities. The occasion was marked by speeches from veteran activist Zackie Achmat, director of Cape Town-based social justice organisation Ndifuna Ukwazi, and well-known cartoonist Jonathan ‘Zapiro’ Shapiro.
Fritz Schoon
Opinion | 1 August 2012
Last Wednesday, gay and lesbian rights organisations handed a memorandum to the ANC Western Cape representative, Songezo Mjongile.
Tariro Washinyira
News | 25 July 2012
“What the country now needs is growth with social justice. And this will require the state to play a major role in creating the conditions and dictating the policy direction of economic growth.”
Terry Bell
Opinion | 4 July 2012
This is a speech given by journalist Waldimar Pelser at an Ndifuna Ukwazi seminar on 16 June.
Waldimar Pelser
Opinion | 27 June 2012
The authors argue that the recent findings by the Public Protector on the Western Cape Communications tender are not a storm in a teacup.
Fatima Hassan and Greg Solik
Opinion | 27 June 2012
"Every time we think we are getting somewhere, we just go right back to square one." These are the words of Thembisa Maso, a KTC resident and mother of three who has been waiting for her house to be completed.
Mary-Anne Gontsana
News | 27 June 2012
GroundUp received several allegations that bribes are commonplace at Maitland Refugee Reception Centre. We decided to investigate.
Tariro Washinyira
News | 29 May 2012
Civil society organizations expressed concern during recent public hearings on the Traditional Courts Bill at the Western Cape Legislature.
Tariro Washinyira and Veronica Washaya
News | 10 May 2012
A Zimbabwean man became extremely ill after contracting meningitis at Lindela Repatriation Centre. His family has accused the Department of Home Affairs of infringing their rights by failing to inform them timeously.
Tariro Washinyira
News | 10 May 2012