
What does Uganda’s “˜anti-gay’ law mean for gay people?

On 24 February 2014, Uganda passed legislation that criminalises homosexuality. Paul Semugoma, a gay Ugandan activist who recently gained temporary residence in South Africa, says that the legislation’s impact will be extensive among all Ugandan society. The legislation, according to Paul, is more about consolidating President Yoweri Museveni’s power ahead of the 2016 Ugandan elections than about dealing with any meaningful social ill.

Jonathan Dockney

News | 27 February 2014

Is Cape Town Pride serious about gay rights?

Cape Town Pride 2014 (CTP) takes place from 21 February to 1 March. The annual festival aims to celebrate gay rights in South Africa. This year’s theme is “uniting cultures in Cape Town”. However, people from communities around Cape Town have said that they feel CTP excludes them and the serious issues affecting them as gay people.

Jonathan Dockney and GroundUp Staff

News | 27 February 2014

Paul Kasonkomona found not guilty

Paul Kasonkomona, a human rights activists working in Zambia, has been acquitted after almost a year of legal proceedings.

Jonathan Dockney

News | 26 February 2014

Battle against Uganda’s anti-homosexual law is not over

The battle against Uganda’s anti-homosexual law is not over. Health and HIV may be the new frontier to confront homophobia explains Dr Andrew Tucker.

Andrew Tucker

Opinion | 24 February 2014

Gay-rights activist’s trial nears final stages

On 20 February 2014, a preliminary ruling will be made in the case of The People v Kasonkomona in the Lusaka Magistrates Court. The ruling will determine if Paul Kasonkomona needs to defend himself against the state’s case or if the case should be dismissed and Kasonkomona acquitted.

Jonathan Dockney

News | 15 January 2014

What’s it like to be gay or lesbian in Khayelitsha?

On 14 December, the Desmond Tutu Foundation will host a beauty pageant called Mr and Miss Gay Ekasi in Salt River. Most participants will be from Khayelitsha and other Cape Town townships. Does the popularity of events like these mean it is becoming easier to be gay or lesbian in Cape Town’s largest township?

Pharie Sefali

News | 28 November 2013

Rural women demand scrapping of Traditional Courts Bill

On 15 October, 250 rural women and activists marched to Parliament as part of the activities held worldwide for the International Day for Rural Women.

Sibusiso Tshabalala

Brief | 21 October 2013

We need to change how we think (and talk) about social grants

On September 30, the government announced the second increase this year in disability grants, old age pensions, care dependency grants and war veterans' pensions. These increases will come in addition to the child support grant and grant-in-aid increases, which were already budgeted for in March. Although the increase is only R10, it will equate to a R41 million increase in government spending per month.

Gabrielle Kelly

Opinion | 7 October 2013

Police receiving sensitivity training

Hundreds gathered in Gugulethu last week when Deputy Minister of Police Makhotsho Maggie Sotyu addressed the relationship between the police, and the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) community and sex workers.

Pharie Sefali

News | 3 September 2013

Pregnant girls have a right to be in school

Teenage pregnancy and the stigmatisation that accompanies it continue to expose deep seated prejudices that exist in our society. Given the prevailing attitude of vilifying pregnant girls it should come with little surprise that many schools opt for a punitive response by banishing pregnant girls from school.

Lisa Andrews and Lisa Draga

Opinion | 14 August 2013

“Every Scar Tells a Story” - Book launch

Last week Thursday, Women’s Hope Education and Training Trust (WHEAT) launched a book called ‘Every Scar tells a story’. The book is the compilation of writings by eight beneficiaries of WHEAT’s first writing workshop, which took place in April 2013 in Kleinmond.

Tariro Washinyira

News | 14 August 2013

Specialised Sexual Offences Court coming to Khayelitsha

GroundUp has learned that Khayelitsha will be getting a specialised Sexual Offences Court. Government announced that 22 new Sexual Offenses Courts are to be set up by the end of 2013.

Nwabisa Pondoyi

News | 13 August 2013

Sex work and disability: a crucial need seldom spoken about

On 19 July 2013, the Sex Workers Education and Advocacy Taskforce (SWEAT) hosted the Sisonke Open University Seminar on sex workers and people with disabilities. Ntokozo Yingwana, an Advocacy Officer at SWEAT, said that the seminar dealt with disability in the sex industry. She said she hoped the conference would help lift the stigma on this topic.

Jonathan Dockney

News | 24 July 2013

Hope for two Zambian men accused of gay sex

On 10 and 11 June, the fourth round in the trial of two Zambian men who are charged with having “carnal knowledge [of each other] against the order of nature” took place.

Jonathan Dockney

News | 12 June 2013

Annie Lennox speaks out against violence

Who is paying the biggest price for South Africa's sexual violence? Scottish singer-songwriter and political activist Annie Lennox wants the world to know as she takes a stand to end violence against women and children through her "Make it Happen" petition launch in Cape Town this week.

Miriam Mannak

News | 8 May 2013

Women’s day ideals: still a long way to go

It was International Women’s Day (IWD) on Friday. And it seemed an appropriate
time for a reminder about the labour movement origins of the day and of its noble
aims and egalitarian promise. This because several recent studies reveal that the
female half of humanity is once again bearing the brunt of the global economic crisis.
After all, when it began in 1910, IWD was rich with the promise of equality.

Terry Bell

Opinion | 13 March 2013