
Alleged discrimination against foreign children in the Techno Girl programme

A Zimbabwean woman, Sandra Chinyanga, is unhappy because her daughter was dropped from the Techno Girl Programme after three years of consistent participation. Now she has been told that her daughter should never have been allowed to join the programme, because she is an immigrant.

Tariro Washinyira

News | 5 March 2014

Manenberg community taking back their streets

Manenberg is a township in the Cape Flats outside Gugulethu. The apartheid government originally created it to relocate Coloured families who had been forcibly removed from their homes. Today it often makes the news because of gang violence.

Mary-Anne Gontsana

News | 28 February 2014

High Court reverses order to protect Manenberg schools

The Cape Town High Court has overturned its order that would have forced the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) to provide safety and security for five Manenberg schools.

Sibusiso Tshabalala

News | 26 February 2014

Teachers face disciplinary charges for teaching in mother-tongue

Two teachers at Vela-Langa Primary school in Upington are facing a disciplinary hearing today and tomorrow for teaching their grade two classes in SeTswana and Afrikaans.

Selby Nomnganga

News | 25 February 2014

Manenberg schools battle for safety

Lesley Knight has been teaching at Edendale Primary School for 27 years. She has witnessed some of the worst incidents of gang violence in Manenberg.

Sibusiso Tshabalala

News | 25 February 2014

Tense student protest outside False Bay College

Students protested outside the Khayelitsha Campus of False Bay College this morning. A crowd of about 300 people blocked access to the main gate. Police attended the scene.

Adam Armstrong

Brief | 20 February 2014

Gugulethu women’s marimba goes national

A group of five Gugulethu women studying at UCT are hitting the big time with their marimba music.

Pharie Sefali

News | 19 February 2014

Last ditch battle for a famous black choral music school, Simon Estes High

Simon Estes Music High School in Wynberg, which was closed down on the first day of term, is fighting a last-ditch battle to survive.

Pharie Sefali

News | 19 February 2014

Gugs dance school gives children self-worth

Self-discipline and self-worth: Zama Dance school instils these much-needed values in children in Gugulethu.

Tariro Washinyira

News | 12 February 2014

Young man behind Limpopo computer training centre

William Makgaba is an example of a young South African who is actively involved in developing his community.

Koketso Moeti

News | 7 February 2014

Somali community run school to learn English

Somali Association of South Africa (SASA) Western Cape chairperson Abdikadir Mohamed has established an English school project with the help of the Scalabrini Centre.

Tariro Washinyira

News | 6 February 2014

Philippi school struggles to get help for disabled learners

This article has been withdrawn due to problems with it that we are unable to address. GroundUp apologises.

Pharie Sefali

News | 30 January 2014

Principals describe hardships of running schools in Khayelitsha

Principals of two Khayelitsha schools gave testimony at the Khayelitsha Commission yesterday. They explained how crime affected their institutions.

Adam Armstrong

News | 29 January 2014

Cape Flats artists launch magazine

A group of young artists are putting their creativity on the map. They have launched a magazine called Motswako, which means ‘mixture’ or ‘diversity’.

Pharie Sefali

News | 27 January 2014

The week in political activism

This week, we cover the Khayelitsha Commission of Inquiry, what’s happening in education and the patent wars.

Brent Meersman and GroundUp Staff

News | 22 January 2014

Organisation helps matriculants get into university

The South African Education and Environment Project (SAEP) started a bridging year programme in 2003. Young people from township schools are assisted with rewriting matric to improve their chances of getting into university, getting a job or doing other useful work for their communities.

Tariro Washinyira

News | 15 January 2014