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Locking you out and throwing out your property is certainly against the law. No one is allowed to take the law into their own hands like that.
Here are some numbers you could call to find out what happened to your application.
There are two other housing programmes you may qualify for: the Social Housing Programme (SHP) or “Gap” Housing.
As far as we can establish, municipal land is only sold by a tender process after it is advertised for public participation.
The block of flats (which will be called “The Fulcrum”) has not yet been built.
Marriage does not disqualify her from getting an RDP house, unless her husband’s income is above R3,500 a month.
You can approach the Housing Tribunal and ask that your former landlord be stopped from giving bad references.
In Cape Town, you can contact the department at 080Â 065 6463 and they can direct you further.
Before giving an eviction order a court must balance your interests against the bank’s, and decide if selling the house is the best option, or if alternatives can be found to settle the debt.
You can apply online.