Island closures are painted as an economic cost to the fishing industry, but losing African Penguins will cost us dearly
Analysis | 17 March 2025
Mbude is now Deputy Director-General for Special Projects including African language education, seen by many as a key to improving child literacy
News | 15 August 2023
Researchers have suggested how government can help fix the numbers
By Michael Cherry and Nathan Geffen
Science | 12 August 2021
Study was conducted in January and May, before the third wave peaked
Science | 8 July 2021
The regulatory authority must act in the public interest and not be swayed by undue pressure
By Nathan Geffen and Michael Cherry
Science | 23 June 2021
“South Africa has squandered the opportunity to protect half a million of its most vulnerable citizens”
Science | 26 March 2021
Waste treatment plants across the city are being monitored weekly
Science | 10 March 2021
If you have antibodies to the 501Y.V2 variant, you likely have protection against other strains of the virus
Science | 4 March 2021
Concern raised about missed production target, but Professor Glenda Gray says it’s a well-oiled company and they know what they have to do
Science | 25 February 2021
Scientists hope SARS-CoV-2 will be less likely to evade it
Science | 18 February 2021
While the results are disappointing against the local variant of the Covid-19 virus, there are reasons to think the vaccine may reduce deaths
Science | 14 February 2021
For the four provinces analysed, over half the population has likely had a SARS-CoV-2 infection
By Michael Cherry and Nathan Geffen
Science | 13 February 2021
We don’t know the answers yet, but a local study sheds some light
Science | 25 January 2021
A study at Groote Schuur Hospital suggests it has freed up much-needed beds
Science | 19 January 2021