Articles for GroundUp Staff

Bhisho High court to hear urgent case against Motshekga

Equal Education (EE) filed papers on Monday to re-open the case against the Minister for not publishing minimum norms and standards for school infrastructure.

GroundUp Staff

News | 12 June 2013

Battle over Barcelona’s Buckets

Residents of Barcelona informal settlement are living a sanitation nightmare. The company contracted to remove the bucket toilets, Sannicare, has been hit by industrial action and no resolution is in sight.

GroundUp Staff with assistance from Tebello Mzamoand Fergus Turner

News | 29 May 2013

How to buy your driver’s license

Attempts to clean up corruption at the Lingelethu West Traffic Station in Khayelitsha appear to be failing. GroundUp went undercover and recorded an offer of a bribe by an outside operator, and also spoke to others who were either asked to pay a bribe or who did bribe their way to being allowed behind the wheel.

GroundUp Staff with assistance of the Cape Times

News | 21 May 2013

City says violence prevention efforts working, but activists sceptical

In 2006, to tackle crime in Khayelitsha, the City of Cape Town launched the Violence Prevention through Urban Upgrading (VPUU) project.

Fergus Turner and GroundUp Staff

News | 17 April 2013

Khayelitsha lights mostly on but concerning signs of decline

Following several reports published on GroundUp on the broken street light problem in Khayelitsha, particularly along Lansdowne Road, several social justice organisations protested and the City repaired the lights. In the last two weeks we have checked the street lights. While most remain on, there are signs that the situation is getting worse.

Nokubonga Yawa and GroundUp Staff

News | 10 April 2013

Wages in the clothing industry in South Africa

This is a debate between Professors Nicoli Nattrass and Jeremy Seekings and the Southern African Clothing and Textile Workers Union (SACTWU).

GroundUp Staff

News | 14 February 2013

Are the lights coming back on in Khayelitsha?

Broken streetlights in Khayelitsha are at the centre of a debate between civil society activists, Premier Helen Zille, Mayor Patricia De Lille and several councillors responsible for wards along Lansdowne Road.

Nokubonga Yawa, Mihle Pike and GroundUp Staff

News | 30 January 2013

Crossroads residents burn tyres in housing protest

BREAKING NEWS: This morning, residents of Crossroads protested and burned tyres in protest against a housing project.

GroundUp Staff

Brief | 23 January 2013

New law to control civil society?

National government is taking steps to exert more control over civil society. In July, the Department of Social Development published a policy document for discussion titled "Policy Framework on Nonprofit Organisations Law".

GroundUp Staff

News | 19 December 2012

Township beauty pageants: empowering or sexist?

Township beauty pageants are extremely popular. On Saturday Sexee Simplicities ran a pageant in Du Noon. But are these competitions sexist and demeaning or do they actually empower women?

Mihle Pike and GroundUp staff

News | 5 December 2012

Vigil against information bill

Right2Know held a candlelight vigil outside Parliament on 22 November in protest against the Protection of State Information Bill.

Kate Stegeman and GroundUp Staff

Brief | 28 November 2012

“People’s Commission” testimony exposes police failures

In December 2009 Thandokazi Njamela was smacked on the head with an unopened beer bottle by her friend's boyfriend. She lost consciousness and was taken to Khayelitsha's Site B Hospital.

GroundUp Staff

News | 14 November 2012

Vigilante killing in Mfuleni: Two leading SJC members arrested but deny involvement

On Sunday 14 October, two Social Justice Coalition (SJC) activists Angy Peter and Isaac Mbadu were arrested along with two other Mfuleni residents for the kidnap and murder of Siphiwo "Rowan" Mbevu.

Mary-Jane Matsolo and GroundUp Staff

News | 23 October 2012

Western Cape Education Department finalises school closures

The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) has announced a customised draft plan for each school recommended for closure.

GroundUp staff

Brief | 17 October 2012

TAC pickets in support of man who got TB in prison

Dudley Lee contracted TB while he was an awaiting trial prisoner. Now he's suing the state.

Mary-Jane Matsolo and GroundUp Staff

News | 29 August 2012

Cape Town protests

About 350 residents of Khayelitsha's BM section took to the streets on Monday this week to protest over the lack of houses and sanitation. The protestors burnt tyres and stoned vehicles. Eight people were arrested by police for public violence.

GroundUp Staff

News | 15 August 2012