Zuma must go, says ANC struggle veteran Barbara Hogan

Barbara Hogan has called for ANC members to demand that President Zuma must go. Hogan, who has been a leading ANC member, spent nine years in prison for treason under the apartheid government. She served as Minister of Health (2008 to 2009) and Minister of Public Enterprises (2009 to 2010). She also chaired the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Finance from 1999 to 2004. She is credited with being the first Minister of Health in the post AIDS denialism period.
Speaking at Friday prayers earlier today at the Claremont Mosque, an institution well known for its politically progressive stances, Hogan said, “I have not spoken before but today I am saying for the first time: ‘enough is enough’.”
“This week a line was crossed in an arbitrary act by the President by dismissing Minister Nene,” she continued. “Ordinary citizens must rise up and say enough is enough. The majority do not have enough to survive. Corruption robs them. … Our institutions that were meant to protect us are being destroyed slowly, slowly, slowly.”
Hogan is the wife of Ahmed Kathrada who after being found guilty at the Rivonia Trial was imprisoned at Robben Island and Pollsmoor for decades. Hogan was invited to speak at the Claremont Mosque today on corruption by virtue of 9 December being International Anti-Corruption Day.
Speaking to GroundUp this afternoon, Hogan said, “ANC members must make their voices heard. Not just the NEC members, but ordinary members too. They must not be intimidated by Gwede Mantashe. They must bombard Luthuli House with the message that Zuma must go. Luthuli House is not listening to the people. We do not have the power to recall the president. Only the ANC has the power to recall. This man is creating economic sabotage.”
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