IEC gives students opportunity to register after deadline
This will help out-of-town students to vote
The Independent Electoral Commission’s (IEC) has extended the voter registration period for students at tertiary education institutions. Students will be able to register from 7 to 10 February.
People must register in the ward where they intend to vote. Since the elections are likely to be mid-year, many students will vote in the ward where they are studying and should register there. But students who do not live permanently where they are studying will not be at their universities by 27 January, when voter registration ends. The extension will allow them to register in the ward where they are studying.
The Parliamentary Monitoring Group (PMG) states on its website: “The Fifth Parliament term ends on 6 May. According to the Constitution, elections must take place within 90 days after that, so no later than 5 August. The election date has not been proclaimed but indications are that it will be in May.”
MPs leave to campaign on 29 March, and are only called back to Parliament for “emergency business” up till 6 May, says the PMG.
Students who have already registered can check their registration details by sending their ID number to 32810 (R1.50c), or phoning the call centre on 0800 11 8000.
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