Hundreds march to Johannesburg mayor’s office demanding houses
Many say they have been waiting 30 years for government housing
Protestors outside the Johannesburg mayor’s offices in Braamfontein, demanding government housing. Photo: Silver Sibiya.
More than 200 residents from Soweto marched to the Johannesburg mayor’s offices in Braamfontein, demanding to be allocated houses. Some claim they have been waiting for RDP (now called Breaking New Ground) homes for as long as 30 years.
The march was organised by the Umphakathi Wesizwe group. They marched from Mary Fitzgerald Square in Newtown to deliver their memorandum of demands.
In March 2023, Johannesburg had more than 400,000 people on the National Housing Need Register.
Mahlodi Njaka-Njaka, from Meadowlands, said she had applied for a house in 1998 but still had not received one.
“I’m a mother of three but I still stay at home with my mother and there are many of us at home,” she explained. “I just want to know how long we must wait because 27 years is too long.”
Njaka-Njaka spoke about a lack of support when she has gone to the offices for Human Settlement in the past. “When I’ve gone to those offices, the staff would rudely question me about why I was there,” she said.
Ntombizodwa Mgambe, from Orlando East, said she applied for housing in 2008. She is now 54 and worried that she may never receive a house. “Am I supposed to wait until I’m 80? Some people in their 80s are still waiting,” she said.
She lives with her two brothers, her sister and their children.
Phumzile Sithole, a representative from the mayor’s office, received the memorandum and addressed the protestors. She said some of the demands in the memorandum were beyond the municipality’s jurisdiction and fell under the responsibility of national government. However, she assured the protesters that the City of Johannesburg would address the issues within their control.
Mayoral spokesperson Chris Vondo had not responded to requests for comment by the time of publication.
The City’s Department of Human Settlements acknowledged receipt of emails but has yet to respond.
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