Dismissed security guards strike over unpaid salaries

More than 60 former Iriss Security Solutions’ workers who say they haven’t been paid in full for the past two months protested outside the company’s offices in Mandalay yesterday.
“Today, we were paid R3,500 and we usually get R6,500 and R500 as a performance bonus. Last month we didn’t get paid at all. They kept promising to pay us and now the owner of the company says he has no money to pay us. How must I see to my family with a little money?” said one of the protesting security guards who asked not be named as he feared being targeted by the company.
Meanwhile, company owner, Siviwe Mpengesi told GroundUp the strikers were “disgruntled ex-employees”.
The security guard is among 91 others who received a notice of dismissal on 16 July. He claims that when he made enquiries into his provident fund and income tax, he was informed that the company had last made payment six months ago.
“I went to check on my provident fund in Strand Street in the CBD yesterday. They told me it was empty because no money was paid since January. This was still being deducted from all of our wages, so where did the money go to?” he said.
Democratic Union of Security Workers shop steward, Samzi Kakaza said they were in talks to take the company to the CCMA for the “unfair” dismissals.
“There are many issues that need to be addressed. Some workers still haven’t been paid performance bonuses and for leave,” he said.
When questioned about the protest during a brief telephonic interview, Iriss owner, Mpengesi responded,“They were just disgruntled ex-workers. The matter is being sorted out. I have to go. Goodbye.”
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