Department of Coffee launches!

| Nokubonga Yawa
Photo by Nokubonga Yawa.

We have previously told you about Khayelitsha’s first coffee shop: Department of Coffee. On 17 November they had an official launch at the Khayelitsha Mall.

Department of Coffee is a small coffee shop owned by three young men. It has already attracted a lot of media attention. [GroundUp was first! - Editor].

Many young people showed off their talents at the launch. The crowd was treated to music by Thokozani Brother’s Choir, Gugulesizwe Band and a young marimba player.

Madoda, who is the designer of the Kumnandi Ekapa brand, showed his new t-shirts. A woman named Nosisa showed her beadwork. The Department of Coffee sold more than 40 of their T-shirts that have a map from Worcester to Khayelitsha to the Department of Coffee.

Vusumzi Mamile, one of the coffee shop’s owners, said that more than 80 people from outside Khayelitsha came to the launch in a special train from Cape Town. “The event was very successful and the turnover was more than what we expected on the day. We want to thank all local people who keep on supporting us, and hopefully those who are outside of Khayelitsha will come back again and tell their friends about the Department of Coffee,” he said.

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