Boxing tournament brings much needed recreation to Mfuleni
“We want youth to be active and their parents to see them doing something positive”
There isn’t much for kids in Mfuleni to do. There is one sports field, where children play soccer after school and on weekends. There are also some play parks for younger children. But that’s about it.
Boxing is a sport that is inexpensive to participate in and doesn’t require large fields.

On Saturday 13 February about 600 children between the ages of 12 and 16 gathered at the Mfuleni Goal shopping centre which hosted the Mfuleni Boxing Club for the day.
The event came about after a coach suggested hosting matches for the community to watch, and to attract youth to take part. Boxing clubs that attended included Kuyasa and African Youth.

“We want youth to be active and their parents to see them doing something positive,” said Sipho Sitwaye, coach at the Barale Boxing Club.

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