
Hundreds of teachers protest as KZN MEC tables budget

“The money doesn’t reach the schools. We are tired of the department’s corruption”


Brief | 4 May 2018

Unions divided on Workers’ Day

Rival events held on 1 May show unequal support for Saftu and Cosatu

By , and

Analysis | 2 May 2018

COSATU pickets Parliament over “deepening crisis in Cape Town”

Union raises similar issues to those raised by Saftu earlier in the day


News | 12 April 2018

Unions to march against labour law changes

Saftu says right to strike undermined and minimum wage threatened


Brief | 9 April 2018

Train strike looms

Union says it has reached deadlock with Prasa


Brief | 28 March 2018

Union threatens to shut down Metrorail’s Northern Line

Dangerous working conditions a major concern for employees


News | 8 February 2018

White farmers and Communist Party members join to fight bank evictions

Protesters demand change to legislation


News | 21 September 2017

UCT unions demonstrate for higher wages

Members of the Academics Union and the Employees Union gathered outside the university’s Bremner building


Brief | 10 March 2017

“Vanished”: Robertson Abattoir court settlement goes missing

No record of dismissed workers’ agreement in court file


Law | 23 February 2017

Aspen workers on strike across Eastern Cape

Employees want 10% versus company offer of 7%


Brief | 4 August 2016

Elections, the SABC and the unions

More than a touch of irony that Solidarity and Bemawu took SABC to court, while Cosatu-aligned union cozied up to management


Opinion | 1 August 2016

Sadtu denial gives ammunition to union bashers

Deeper investigation into "posts for sale" scandal needed


Opinion | 6 June 2016

Unions justified to demand double digit pay increases

But is the labour movement sufficiently united, independent and democratic to defend workers?


Opinion | 8 February 2016

Robots will replace most jobs

And our current economic system is not prepared for it.


Opinion | 11 January 2016

Marikana: a wake-up call still ignored

Four days after the bloodletting that has become known as the Marikana massacre, this column supported the call for a comprehensive and independent inquiry. And it noted, reflecting a widespread view within the labour movement: “The Lonmin tragedy is a wake-up call that South Africa will ignore at its peril.”

Terry Bell

Opinion | 20 August 2013