aeon ahem aloe alone amen ante anthem atone hale hamlet hate heal heat helm helot hole home hone hotel lame lament lane late latent lathe latte lean lemon lent loathe lone male mane manhole mantel mantle mate matte meal mean meant meat melon melt mental menthol metal methanol mole molten mote motel mottle name neat neath nett noel note oaten omen tale talent tame teal team teat tent tenth them then theta tome tone tote totem
Make words of at least four letters using the grid letters at most once. The centre letter must be in every word. There's one nine-letter word. There are no plurals or proper nouns, except possibly for the nine-letter word. The nine-letter word always has a South African flavour. Words are drawn from our dictionary which has about 100,000 words. You can either type the letters or click on them. To delete a letter use the backspace key or click it again.