We have penises! We have vaginas!

Picket draws attention to HIV positive people living with disability


News | 22 July 2016

From illness to health: how I’ve thrived with HIV

Jaque Wambui was dangerously ill with extra-pulmonary tuberculosis in 2006 - here's why she hasn't been ill since


News | 19 July 2016

I owe my life to you, says judge

Edwin Cameron addresses scientists and activists at Durban Aids conference


Opinion | 19 July 2016

March to Aids conference highlights that millions remain untreated

Optimistic end of epidemic predictions criticised


News | 18 July 2016

How sex workers are avoiding HIV infection

Once daily pill has been made available at ten clinics across the country


News | 17 July 2016

Bizarre state involvement in AIDS conference

Security agency leads media accreditation process

By and

Brief | 8 July 2016

A year of living dangerously on the streets of Durban

"I need a hug and the words of a father”


News | 8 July 2016

Taxi strike shuts down Durban city centre

Customers and shop owners hide out of fear of looting and teargas


Brief | 30 March 2016