
Weekend crime sweep in Delft

Bad street lighting, poor numbering of streets and bushes affect policing in Delft, according to Brigadier Hendrik Jansen, who is the Acting Cluster Commander.

Johnnie Isaac

News | 18 August 2014

Women who beat the odds: Masiphumelele’s Kwa aunty

If you live in Masiphumelele you will know Nongoloza’s Braai Place, or Kwa aunty, as some call it. You probably know the owner and she probably knows you too by name.

Zintle Swana

News | 18 August 2014

Marikana massacre remembered in city centre

About 50 members of several social movements marched on Parliament and the Cape Town police station today in memory of the 34 miners killed by police at Marikana two years ago.

Daneel Knoetze

News | 15 August 2014

City’s promise to help with housing gives Khayelitsha family new hope

For two years Khayelitsha resident Nokwakha Eslina Kalpens has had to help her 11-year-old mentally disabled granddaughter find her way to toilets 50 metres from their home.

Barbara Maregele

News | 15 August 2014

TAC pickets Michael Mapongwana baby unit

“There is no privacy, you are asked in front of everyone what your baby's HIV status is. It is dirty and the staff is very disrespectful in the way they speak to patients. I don’t go to that clinic anymore; it’s been a year now. Because of their treatment I did something I shouldn’t have done, I tested my child for HIV myself, because I too work at a clinic.”

Mary-Anne Gontsana

News | 14 August 2014

City defends shack demolitions as evictions continue

The City of Cape Town has invoked a series of court interdicts and orders to defend its role in the evictions of shackdwellers in Philippi East. The land occupation has grown since last week. City Law Enforcement resumed the demolition and removal of shacks on a plot off Symphony Way today, resulting in violent clashes.

Daneel Knoetze

News | 13 August 2014

Terry Bell unfairly treated, says Council

Journalist and author Terry Bell was treated "shabbily" by Independent Newspapers' Business Report, which summarily dropped his weekly column earlier this year, the Statutory Council for the Printing, Newspaper and Packaging Industries has found.

GroundUp staff

News | 13 August 2014

Angy Peter trial: Police sergeant dismisses claims by State’s eyewitness

On 12 August, police sergeant Lesley Freeman, who arrested two of the four accused of murdering Rowan du Preez, dismissed several claims made by the State’s eyewitness.

Barbara Maregele

News | 13 August 2014

Zimbabweans welcome extension of residence

The Department of Home Affairs has granted three more years residence to more than 250 000 Zimbabweans who applied for dispensation permits in 2009.

Tariro Washinyira

News | 13 August 2014

A guide to get free legal music

Zethu Gqola wonders if with high levels of poverty and most people unable to afford legal music downloads which cost up to R20 per song, are illegal music downloads really morally wrong?

Zethu Gqola

News | 13 August 2014

Philippi eviction: Sheriff contradicts City’s JP Smith

The City of Cape Town's version of the evictions in Philippi East on 11 August has been contradicted by police and the SA Board of Sheriffs. The Board denies that any of its officials were involved in dozens of shack demolitions off Symphony Way in Philippi. The evictions were carried out by the City's Law Enforcement, police say.

Daneel Knoetze

News | 12 August 2014

Police detective was not trained to probe murder

The detective constable who headed the investigation into the case where activist Angy Peter and four others are accused of killing Rowan du Preez had no formal detective training at the time.

Barbara Maregele

News | 12 August 2014

No proper court but school boasts netball champions

The Mfuleni community in Cape Town have been celebrating the success of its high school Netball team in the SA National Championships. The championships were held at Ekurhuleni in Gauteng in August, and the under 16 team from Manzomthombo High School won the tournament.

Johnnie Isaac

News | 12 August 2014

The ugly reality of eviction

Whether legal or illegal, evicting people from their makeshift homes is an ugly, violent and brutal business. GroundUp photographer and journalist, Masixole Feni and Daneel Knoetze, were at the Marikana settlement, Philippi East, Cape Town, on a calm morning on 11 August 2014, and then the eviction teams arrived. By midday there was chaos, stones were thrown and the police were firing back with rubber bullets.

Daneel Knoetze and Masixole Feni

News | 12 August 2014

Zimbabwean musician bounces back with AfricentiQ band

Zimbabwean Afro-soul music artist Shamie Mabvudzi will release his first video for 2014, Haruwe, on 13 August. He has established his own band, AfricentiQ, made up of five men and one woman. Mabvudzi is also launching a website this month, which will enable people to buy and listen to his music, see the latest news, interviews and tour information.

Tariro Washinyira

News | 12 August 2014

“Why I became a bodybuilder”

The Western Cape Bodybuilding Union held a competition in Bellville on the weekend of 9 and 10 August to select athletes to represent the province nationally in Port Elizabeth. The divisions ranged from under 15 to heavyweight athletes.

Siyabonga Kalipa

News | 12 August 2014