
The week in political activism - March 26, 2014

This week we cover the TAC’s march on Khayelitsha Hospital and an alert put out by Lawyers for Human Rights on the unconstitutionality of draft immigration regulations.

Brent Meersman

News | 26 March 2014

Metrorail promises R233 million to upgrade its service

At a press conference today, 25 March 2014, Western Cape Provincial Metrorail regional manager Mthuthuzeli Swartz said the rail company is on the verge of an upgrade revolution.

Mary-Anne Gontsana

News | 25 March 2014

Police operating with 33% less than they need

On March 25, Brigadier Leon Rabie told the Commission of Inquiry into Policing that if the proposed second station in Harare, Khayelitsha, went ahead, the SAPS would be “robbing Peter to pay Paul”.

Adam Armstrong

News | 25 March 2014

SAPS brigadier withdraws ‘offensive’ statement at Khayelitsha Commission of Inquiry

Testimony at the Khayelitsha Commission of Inquiry into policing continued on Monday 24 March with Brigadier Mlenga and General Goss. Mlenga wrote in his affidavit to the commission “people are living as animals”.

Adam Armstrong

News | 25 March 2014

Theatrical fairy tales come true in Khayelitsha

A variety of theatre troupes showcased their talents in the streets of Khayelitsha with the first instalment of a new festival. It was a promising start on limited means.

Dumisani Dabadini

News | 25 March 2014

Soccer: kids in Langa are on the ball

On Human Rights Day, Project Playground hosted the start of a two day soccer tournament in Langa stadium.

Siyabonga Kalipa

News | 24 March 2014

Hear me alone: an extract from Thando Mgqolozana’s current novel

Thando Mgqolozana’s literary novel, an otherworldly retelling of the Nativity story, makes a deep, unforgettable impression.

Thando Mgqolozana

News | 24 March 2014

Fighting the white plague

Today is World TB Day. More people die of tuberculosis in South Africa than from any other disease. The HIV epidemic is to a large degree responsible for that. Dealing effectively with the one epidemic typically improves the outcomes of the other.

GroundUp Staff

News | 24 March 2014

SAPS fight stats, not crime

Our police fight stats, not crime, the Commission of Inquiry into policing in Khayelitsha heard this week.

Adam Armstrong

News | 20 March 2014

Commuters fed up with Metrorail train delays

Since last week, Metrorail trains on the Khayelitsha line have been repeatedly delayed and even cancelled due to an “infrastructure problem” in Cape Town. Commuters want to know when it will end.

Mary-Anne Gontsana

News | 20 March 2014

Why President Zuma must go

Many South Africans from all walks of life and across the political spectrum are calling for the resignation and impeachment of President Jacob Zuma. In the light of a thoroughly researched and meticulously presented report by the Public Protector into the Nkandla matter, these calls seem more than justified.

GroundUp Staff

News | 20 March 2014

Can you afford to go to a “Ëśfree concert’?

Zethu Gqola went to the Freshlyground performance on Sunday 16 March at De Waal Park. The concert was free, but the experience left her sad and wondering, how free is free?

Zethu Gqola

News | 20 March 2014

//Khara Hais local municipality continues to ignore Auditor General

For two successive years //Khara Hais local municipality in Upington has had qualified audit reports. Now, at its most recent council meeting, the municipality approved irregular and unauthorized expenditure of R4 million incurred since November 2013.

Selby Nomnganga

News | 20 March 2014

Know your copyrights

It is every artists dream to make a living out of their music. But the process of getting paid royalties can be a challenge for some. Artists and producers are often left asking: how do I register? how do I get paid? GroundUp went looking for answers.

Dumisani Dabadini

News | 20 March 2014

Residents complain of potholes in Khayelitsha

What started out as just a tweet from a frustrated Khayelitsha resident, has now put the spotlight on potholes.

Mary-Anne Gontsana

News | 19 March 2014