
Under the bridge

News | 19 December 2012

SASSA wants single mother to pay back R25k

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) wants 38 year old Janice (not her real name) from Kewtown to pay back R25,760 in grants she received.

Margo Fortune

News | 19 December 2012

Zimbabwean bystander sues cops for lost eye

A Zimbabwean man who lost an eye when police fired a rubber bullet towards him during the De Doorns farm worker protests is suing the South African Police Service (SAPS) for damages. 25 year old Passmore Mandhlaami, a Good Hope farm employee, said he was caught in the crossfire. He was not participating in the strike.

Tariro Washinyira

News | 19 December 2012

Nyanga woman is fighting to get her Eastern Cape family home back

52 year old Portia Mahlatshana from Nyanga is fighting to get her home back.

Tessa Gooding

News | 19 December 2012

New law to control civil society?

National government is taking steps to exert more control over civil society. In July, the Department of Social Development published a policy document for discussion titled "Policy Framework on Nonprofit Organisations Law".

GroundUp Staff

News | 19 December 2012

Bring on the Valahalla Park minstrels!

Valhalla Park Entertainers was started in 2002 by Gertrude Square, a community worker from the area. She has been helping youth and seniors in her community for over thirty years.

Margo Fortune

News | 19 December 2012

GroundUp speaks to FC Cape Town’s Jason Dickson

19 year old Jason Dickson speaks to GroundUp about life as a football player.

Margo Fortune

News | 19 December 2012

Radio presenter calls for Jews to be labelled with “mark of shame”

Ivor Blumenthal, the former station master and presenter of Chai FM, has written a tirade against Jews who are critical of Israel.

Nathan Geffen and Mary-Anne Gontsana

News | 19 December 2012

“Fact: Khayelitsha rocks” T-shirts going viral!

Madoda Dyantyi, 37, has created a brand that many people can’t wait to wear this summer. In September 2011 he started selling Che Guevara t-shirts and that’s where he got the idea of coming up with his own brand.

Nokubonga Yawa

News | 12 December 2012

Gugulethu’s campaign for a healthy lifestyle

Gugulethu Square was abuzz on Saturday as almost 1,000 people showed up at the launch of the Siyagyma-SA campaign.

Mary-Anne Gontsana

News | 12 December 2012

Leather craftsman is still waiting for business permit after two years

Brian Makuyana is a leather craftsman who makes leather bags, belts, shoes and key holders. He is twenty five years old and originally from Zimbabwe.

Nokubonga Yawa

News | 12 December 2012

Brad Wexler talks about sacrifice and the ups and downs of making it in the football world

Brad Wexler is a 19 year-old midfielder who is turning professional.

Margo Fortune

News | 12 December 2012

Patients without toilets at Tygerberg Hospital

Patients and visitors to one of the Western Cape's biggest referral hospitals, Tygerberg, were recently stranded as most of the toilets especially on the Ground floor and 6th floor were not working and locked. It was extremely difficult to find a toilet to relieve yourself.

Tariro Washinyira

News | 12 December 2012

High crime rate in Netreg and Bonteheuwel scares the community

Netreg and Bonteheuwel residents say they are terrorised by the high crime and killings rates in their communities. Police investigations into crime are hard to carry out since no one is brave enough to act as a witness or provide evidence.

Tariro Washinyira

News | 12 December 2012

Groups to protest in support of inquiry into police

Tomorrow the Social Justice Coalition (SJC) will host a People’s Commission of Inquiry outside the Cape High Court as a protest in support of the Commission of Inquiry into Khayelitsha policing.

Mary-Anne Gontsana

News | 12 December 2012

Professor Gary Maartens on public health in the Western Cape

Following GroundUp's report last week of the public meeting in Khayelitsha on health, HIV/AIDS and TB service delivery, we spoke to Professor Gary Maartens about public healthcare in the townships of the Western Cape.

Tessa Gooding

News | 12 December 2012