
Reversing the Legacy of the 1913 Natives Land Act Exhibition (audio)

Reversing the Legacy of the 1913 Natives Land Act Exhibition, which ran from June 20 until June 29, invited the audience to “take a walk through history”. The multi-media exhibition, that took place at the Cape Town Convention Centre, tells the story of the 1913 Land Act and its role in shaping South Africa’s history of segregation.

Yael Even-Or

News | 5 July 2013

Chaos at Home Affairs foreshore building

Clayton (name changed) is a Zimbabwean man who injured his leg in a stampede at the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) foreshore offices in Cape Town on Monday.

Tariro Washinyira and GroundUp Staff

News | 3 July 2013

The Great Zumini

News | 3 July 2013

Group demands to know party funders

On 27 June 2013 protesters, under the campaign My Vote Counts which is run by activist organisation Ndifuna Ukwazi, gathered outside Parliament to demand that political parties disclose the names of their funders.

Pharie Sefali

News | 3 July 2013

Homicidal kid gangsters of Nyanga East

Nyanga has one of the highest murder rates in the country. We interviewed several teenage gangsters who brag about their kills.

Pharie Sefali

News | 3 July 2013

“I need an electric wheelchair”

“I’m Selina Lehloo from Khuma. I’m using a wheelchair. I was born like this. I’m 25-years-old. I failed matric in 2011, but I didn’t give up”.

Mary-Anne Gontsana

News | 2 July 2013

The decline of antibiotics

Antibiotics have been miracle drugs, successfully wiping out infections and saving millions of lives. Today, they're increasingly ineffective and we're facing a future where they might not work at all.

Kerry Gordon

News | 2 July 2013

Sanitation in the streets

Under a hail of criticism, the City is making attempts at sanitation improvements in the informal settlements. On June 25, 300 people took to the streets in a protest demanding faster action. This photo story looks at sanitation in Makhaza, Khayelitsha.

Amelia Earnest

News | 26 June 2013

New efforts for a united rural movement

Last Saturday, after three days of discussion, 300 members of multiple social movements marched in Cape Town and delivered a letter to the South African Government about land reform and land tenure.

Camila Osorio

News | 26 June 2013

Mzoli’s: the “Pride” of Gugulethu

Mzoli’s Place, also known simply as Mzoli’s, is a butchery-come-restaurant. Situated in the heart of Gugulethu, a Cape Town township whose name means "Our Pride", Mzoli’s is one of the most popular hangouts in the Mother City.

Thandile Majivolo

News | 26 June 2013

Gugulethu Primary School invigorates classroom learning

The word Lwazi means knowledge, and it seems that Lwazi Public Primary School in Gugulethu is appropriately named.

Tebello Mzamo

News | 26 June 2013

More faeces

News | 26 June 2013

100 years since the Native Land Act: an interview with Ben Cousins

It is the 100th anniversary of the Natives Land Act. We spoke to Ben Cousins, a professor at the University of Western Cape and founder of the Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies.

Camila Osorio

News | 26 June 2013