
Labour Department fails to follow up on sick workers’ claims

On 13 November 2013, GroundUp reported that Cassiem Mahommed has been waiting for over six years for compensation from the City of Cape Town for asbestosis. The Department of Labour immediately contacted GroundUp after publication and promised to follow up with Mahommed Disturbingly, there has been no progress on the matter.

Jonathan Dockney

News | 14 January 2014

Court orders access to Stellenbosch’s deadly initiation school

Seven boys were admitted to Stellenbosch Hospital on the evenings of 25 and 26 November. Two were dead on arrival. One had sjambok marks on his body. They were about 20 years old. They were the victims of an initiation school.

Jonathan Dockney

News | 9 January 2014

School marked for closure gets it right

Peak View Secondary School in Bridgetown, Athlone was one of 27 schools marked for closure by the Western Cape Education Department (WCED). Nearly two years later Peak View's matric results are top in its district.

Sibusiso Tshabalala

News | 8 January 2014

Cape Times demo: plot thickens

It now appears that it was the fairly recently ordained pastor and political changeling, Wesley Douglas, who was one of the organisers of the group that gatecrashed a Right to Know (R2K) protest in Cape Town yesterday.

Terry Bell

News | 18 December 2013

Goons attempt to disrupt protest for press freedom

The saga of the Cape Times and South Africa’s Independent Newspapers (INL) group plumbed new depths of farce this afternoon (December 17) when a rent-a-crowd arrived in the city to support the putative new owner, Iqbal Survé.

Terry Bell

News | 17 December 2013


News | 13 December 2013

Week in political activism

This week we have reports from Lawyers for Human Rights about refugees being prevented from informal trading, and SERI who successfully represented Johannesburg's informal traders at the Constitutional Court.

Compiled by Brent Meersman

News | 12 December 2013

Zimbabwean kids detained after being smuggled into SA

The parents and relatives of six Zimbabwean children and five adults have found themselves helpless after malaichas (their smugglers) were arrested for human trafficking.

Tariro Washinyira

News | 11 December 2013

Fears of surge in Manenberg gang violence

Some Manenberg residents are worried that gang violence has started again in their area, with two people allegedly shot and killed on Saturday.

Mary-Anne Gontsana

News | 11 December 2013

Improvement in Khayelitsha street lights

On the evening of 2 December 2013, Groundup staff visited Lansdowne Road in Khayelitsha to assess the state of street lights in the area. We counted 29 lights that were not functional. Overall, it appears that the state of street lights has improved since our last report on the issue in August 2013.

Jonathan Dockney

News | 11 December 2013

Police throw victim in jail with perpetrators

Talent Chikwanha alleges he was brutalized by police officers on 29 November when they mistook him for a criminal. He was in fact the victim of an ATM robbery at Fairview, Grassy Park.

Nwabisa Pondoyi and Tariro Washinyira

News | 11 December 2013

Cape Town’s last refugee processing centre might close

Human rights organisations have opposed the possible closure of the Cape Town Refugee Reception offices on the foreshore.

Tariro Washinyira

News | 11 December 2013

Maid in SA: an extract from Zukiswa Wanner’s latest book

Novelist Zukiswa Wanner is well known for her fast-paced, witty novels. Her racy narratives and intelligent humour offer razor-sharp insights into contemporary urban life, placing the new black middleclass under the magnifying glass.

Zukiswa Wanner

News | 10 December 2013

South Africa is at an economic impasse - an interview with Mark Heywood

Mark Heywood has been one of the leaders of the Treatment Action Campaign since it started on 10 December 1998. He has also directed the AIDS Law Project since 1997 and its successor, SECTION27.

GroundUp Staff

News | 10 December 2013

Bank drives woman to brink of homelessness

Kutala Mtyali's sits on the couch of her house, perhaps for the last day, and tries to piece together the ongoing saga of her 26 year struggle to keep her home. Family members help her with names and dates. She is on the brink of homelessness.

Jared Sacks

News | 9 December 2013

Alide Dasnois exemplifies quiet integrity and commitment to quality media

Alide Dasnois has been fired from her position as editor of the Cape Times.

GroundUp Editor

News | 8 December 2013