Articles for Tsoanelo Sefoloko

Durban residents protest for water on Human Rights Day

“How can we celebrate human rights without water?” asks protester


Brief | 21 March 2024

Durban strike: Why it happened and what the fallout has been

Mayor says it will take two weeks to clear waste backlog

By and

News | 15 March 2024

Women’s hostel two-week blackout blamed on strike in eThekwini

Five women from Thokoza Hostel were arrested on Tuesday after protesting to get the electricity restored


Brief | 13 March 2024

Water is being sold illegally in eThekwini

Desperate households resort to paying for water from unmarked trucks

By and

Feature | 7 March 2024

Firefighters battled to extinguish fatal factory fire because Verulam has no water

Three bodies have been recovered, one person is missing


Brief | 5 March 2024

Hundreds of eThekwini municipal workers march for higher wages

But stoppage fell short of SAMWU’s plan for a city-wide shutdown, says municipality


Brief | 28 February 2024

Water restored to Phoenix, but only for a few hours at night

eThekwini municipality blames delays to restore water to all affected communities this week on “unforeseen repairs”


News | 22 February 2024

Families stuck in transit camp as eThekwini housing project remains incomplete

They were relocated in 2019 to make way for the housing project. But their living conditions have deteriorated since then


Brief | 16 February 2024

Durban builds boreholes to relieve water crisis

“We were hoping that the borehole was going to pump water into our yards. The borehole is too far from my house”


Brief | 9 February 2024

Minister promises to restore water supply to Durban suburbs by 15 February

Head of the water department in eThekwini told to solely focus on resolving the water crisis by next week


Brief | 5 February 2024

DA calls for Parliamentary inquiry into eThekwini water crisis

“If eThekwini collapsed, so would Umngeni-Uthukela, threatening water security to the entire province of KwaZulu-Natal” says DA shadow minister


Brief | 31 January 2024

Durban families demand end to water crisis

EThekwini municipality promises that water will be restored to affected communities by 15 February


News | 30 January 2024

Durban community without running water for four years

DA calls for Human Rights Commission to investigate ongoing water crisis in eThekwini


News | 25 January 2024

Taps have been dry in this Durban community for more than a decade

“My daughter was a year old when I last saw water coming out of our taps. She will be 14 next month,” says frustrated Bester resident


Brief | 16 January 2024

Retrenched eThekwini workers shot at with rubber bullets while marching to ANC offices

The workers’ contracts under the public employment programme were terminated in October when the City ran out of funds


Brief | 11 January 2024