Articles for Tania Broughton

Row over human settlement minister’s “lift” dismissal

Minister Mmamoloko Kubayi’s efforts to “clarify” what she called “misleading media reports”, sees her accused of “deliberately lying”


News | 12 June 2023

AmaBhungane fights back

The investigative journalist outfit has applied to court to urgently reconsider the “gagging order” curbing its reporting on the Moti Group


Law | 10 June 2023

Lawyers reprimanded for bringing “hopeless cases” to court

Labour Court orders them not to collect fees


News | 8 June 2023

Pharmaceutical giant Bayer stops Clicks selling cheaper generic blood thinning medication

The judge took over a year to rule in “urgent application”


Law | 8 June 2023

An advocate charged the state R67k a day for 511 days. He’s been disbarred

“There is no indication that his dishonesty will not reoccur” judges write about Hassan Ebrahim Kajee


Law | 7 June 2023

Judge rejects Dr Nandipha’s urgent bid for freedom

But the state made mistakes and almost lost the case


Law | 5 June 2023

Labour Court slams Human Settlements Minister for “unlawfully” firing staffer after being stuck in a lift for an hour

The court ordered that the deputy director of corporate services immediately be reinstated


Law | 5 June 2023

Judge slams ruling against amaBhungane

“I cannot understand how this order was granted” - Judge.


Law | 3 June 2023

Court dismisses MEC’s attempt to quash inquiry into her “killing my health system” remark

“The holding of political office and remaining registered as a medical practitioner are not mutually exclusive” says judge


News | 2 June 2023

AmaBhungane journalists “gagged” by Moti Group

An interim interdict against the journalists was granted in chambers without prior notice


Law | 2 June 2023

Not enough public participation: Constitutional Court scraps Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Act

“The importance of public participation in South Africa cannot be understated,” say judges


Law | 30 May 2023

Concourt challenge to Electoral Act

The Independent Candidate Association of South Africa says independents have to get more votes for a seat than political party candidates


Law | 29 May 2023

Judges reprimand Road Accident Fund

CEO and board chairperson told to file affidavits explaining why they should not be personally held liable


Law | 25 May 2023

“Biased” magistrate should have recused herself, judge finds in Communicare case

Court sets aside decision by acting magistrate Venice Burgins


Law | 24 May 2023

GroundUp wins court case against the Legal Practice Council

Complaint against Lesley Ramulifho, implicated in Lottery corruption, must be investigated, judge rules


Law | 24 May 2023

UCT chair resigns following governance panel’s recommendations

Report makes several findings against Babalwa Ngonyama, particularly in relation to her treatment of former deputy vice-chancellor Lis Lange


News | 22 May 2023