Articles for Nokulunga Majola

Police officers arrested for death in custody of Regan Naidoo

“My son died for something he knew nothing about” says father


News | 27 September 2021

Taps dry for three weeks in rural KwaZulu-Natal

Residents of Emakhabeleni say their water supply has been on and off since 2018


News | 21 September 2021

Death of five-year-old in pit latrine prompts debate about unregistered crèches

Crèche owners say registration is difficult and they get no help


News | 14 September 2021

KwaMashu commuters must wait another year to catch the next train

Thembalihle railway station allowed to go to ruin


News | 10 September 2021

Activists welcome release of scholar transport policy in KZN

Learners with disabilities attending public schools are included


Brief | 1 September 2021

Durban rolls out Covid vaccines for homeless people

But ID required, leaving hundreds of people excluded


News | 26 August 2021

Health department takes vaccination drive to taxi rank

To boost its vaccination numbers KZN is trying various initiatives including drive-through vaccine sites


News | 23 August 2021

Durban parents demand schools close after learner dies of Covid

Protest follows death of 12-year-old Kaitlyn Pillay. Education expert warns of “dire” cost to children of closing schools.


News | 17 August 2021

Phoenix “vigilante killings”: dozens march to police station demanding judicial inquiry

“I saw so much hate in people’s eyes as they beat me up”


News | 16 August 2021

State refused to help immigrant fire victims, so this organisation stepped up

Immigrants who lost their shacks in a fire in Briardene last month were refused building materials by the state


Brief | 12 August 2021

No major setbacks for social grant payments in areas hit by riots

SASSA says many buildings it used were damaged and electronic equipment looted


News | 10 August 2021

Today’s heroes: the “ordinary” women who hold South Africa together

We interviewed five South African women who have overcome adversity to support their families.

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Feature | 9 August 2021

EFF march in Phoenix: stones thrown and insults hurled at residents

Law enforcement and march marshals were quick to contain the situation


News | 6 August 2021

Immigrant fire victims denied building materials and land in Durban

While South African families in Briardene pick up their lives, immigrants have been excluded from rebuilding efforts


News | 5 August 2021

Unrest July 2021: Grim details of deaths in Phoenix

Bheki Cele gives account of what sparked the violence according to police


News | 3 August 2021

This school for children with special needs was stripped bare by looters. Now the learners won’t even get meals

Golden Steps school in KwaZulu-Natal will not be able to re-open after the break


News | 21 July 2021