Vhembe municipality leaves broken sewerage pipe for six months

Filthy water flowing into the river

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Photo of woman pointing to sewerage leak
Elisa Muthaphuli points to where sewerage has leaked onto the ground. Photo: Bernard Chiguvare

Residents of Lufule village near Thohoyandou in Limpopo say they have been waiting for six months for the Vhembe district municipality to fix a broken sewerage system.

Residents say municipal workers did come in July to dig a trench but since then nothing has been done and the trench has filled with filthy water. โ€œWe have been patient for a long time,โ€ says Thivhileli Mutobvu one of the Lufule 1 community members.

When GroundUp enquired, Matodzi Ralushai, Vhembe District Communication Officer said a meeting had been held with community leaders this week and the leaders had been told that a contractor had been appointed. โ€œWe expect the contractor to attend to the issue very soon,โ€ he said. Ralushai did not explain why this had taken so long.

The burst sewage pipe is a couple of meters away from some Lufule 1 houses. Sewage from the burst pipe flows into the Luludi river that cuts through Lufule 2 village.

Mutobvu says the community has reported several times to Vhembe municipality without success.

โ€œThis sewage pipe has been like that for more than six months and we have been reporting to the municipality but nothing has happened.โ€œ

Elisa Muthaphuli, 62, who fell into the sewage-filled trench last week, told Groundup she usually jumped over the trench on her way back from the other end of the village where she made bricks for sale. โ€œLast week as usual I tried to hop over the flowing sewage but unfortunately fell into the deep hole full of sewage. I was alone. I was almost shoulder deep in the sewage. All I could do was cry for help. After a time someone rescued me.โ€

In the trench she lost the axe and panga she uses to cut wood to fire her bricks.

โ€œWhen I got home I had to throw my clothes away. I hope the municipality will fix this as a matter of urgency before we lose lives at this place,โ€ says Muthapula.

We were shown the sewage flowing all the way to the Luludi River. Rumani Mudau from Lufule 2 was busy clearing an area next to the river to plant vegetables. He had not known the water contained sewage but had often found dirt in the river.

TOPICS:  Sanitation

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