Newtown families without water for two months in Inanda

Municipality says supply will be rationed until 2025 when upgrades to a pump station are completed

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Sibusiso Hlatshwayo from Newtown C fetches water from a neighbouring area. ā€œIt is difficult to understand why the area that is not even far from us has water, while our taps are dry for two months now, with no clear explanation from the municipality,ā€ he said. Photo: Tsoanelo Sefoloko

Taps have been dry in Newtown C, Inanda, for two months. Over 300 households are affected. People use wheelbarrows to fetch water from neighbouring areas, such as Bhambhayi and Ezimangweni.

Residents say a water tanker only provides them with water once a week, although it supplies the clinic daily.

Zama Sokhela said one water truck delivery is not nearly enough for their whole area. They have appealed numerous times to the municipality for help, but get no response, she said.

Sokhela said they have no water to flush their toilets, do laundry or bathe properly.

Resident Sikhumbuzo Cele said, ā€œIā€™m hopeful that should the world see our plight they will try and come up with an acceptable solution.ā€

EThekwini municipality spokesperson Gugu Sisilana said residents need to be patient while the City upgrades Ntuzuma Pump Station 2.

The City will continue to ration water supply to areas dependent on the station until the work is completed, she said.

ā€œRationing is done to build sufficient water levels at reservoirs and to distribute water equitable,ā€ said Sisilana.

Work is only expected to be completed next year.

In the meantime, Newtown and a number of other areas will have intermittent water supply.

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