Fort Hare students to be evicted
Bhisho High Court grants order
University of Fort Hare students and university management have both welcomed a Bhisho High Court ruling on evictions of students from residences.
University management took the Students’ Representative Council and students to court for occupying residences in Alice without the University’s consent during the stayaway at the university. The court granted an interim order that the students must leave immediately but the university would have to provide alternative accommodation to those who needed it.
Student leader Sonwabiso Mamkeli said students were satisfied with the ruling.
The University’s stakeholders relations manager Lizo Phithi said management also welcomed the ruling which has immediate effect.
“The students will be evicted until the 11 October which is when the University will re-open from holidays. We have tried to look for other solutions to meet the students half-way but all those attempts have failed,” said Phithi.
“The judge has ruled if the management is evicting students they must provide reasonable accommodation. This will give the students confidence to carry on with the no fee increment stay away” said Mamkeli.
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