Residents in Khayelitsha are complaining about the rise of gangsterism in the area, and that the police are not doing enough to eliminate the problem.
Pharie Sefali
News | 21 August 2013
Financial freedom is but a dream for most South Africans. Statistics from the Credit Bureau Monitor (CBM) show that at the end of March 2013, credit bureaus held records for 20.08 million credit-active consumers, an increase of 0.6% from the previous quarter.
Nwabisa Pondoyi
News | 21 August 2013
DNA CSI: D – Don’t touch, N – Note, record and observe, A – Assist police officers, C – comfort & support victim, S – Secure crime scene, I – Insist no-one interferes.
Mary-Anne Gontsana
Brief | 21 August 2013
Friends of Odwa Mafa, a 25-year-old CPUT student murdered on 2 August, are accusing the South African Police Service (SAPS) of insensitivity for failing to notify the student’s family of his death.
Nwabisa Pondoyi
News | 21 August 2013
The new Khayelitsha District Hospital, officially opened in April 2012, has attracted widespread criticism and unhappiness with its quality of service, which has fallen far short of expectation.
Thandile Majivolo
News | 21 August 2013
I enjoy lawyer jokes, but in my time with the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) the lawyers I worked with didn't fit the stereotype. They often represented TAC pro bono or at reduced fees. They put money aside to fight for justice, especially for poor people. They were also modest. In our high profile cases, the TAC's lawyers were not the centre of attention. Nevertheless, TAC won most of its cases and all the key ones. We were very ably represented.
Nathan Geffen
Opinion | 21 August 2013
The Spier Arts Academy offers a three year, full-time apprenticeship focusing on mosaic art and includes tuition in drawing, art history and business skills - enabling apprentices to jumpstart their creative careers and run their own successful enterprises.
Rachel Kelly
Brief | 20 August 2013
FunDza Literacy Trust is an NGO that aims to popularize reading amongst young South Africans. FunDza's goals are to encourage youngsters to read for pleasure and to help students, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, to become effectively literate.
Fergus Turner
Opinion | 20 August 2013
Western Cape Police conducted crime operations in the Manenberg area on 19 August as part of ongoing efforts to end gang violence as learners returned to school
Mary-Anne Gontsana
News | 20 August 2013
Four days after the bloodletting that has become known as the Marikana massacre, this column supported the call for a comprehensive and independent inquiry. And it noted, reflecting a widespread view within the labour movement: “The Lonmin tragedy is a wake-up call that South Africa will ignore at its peril.”
Terry Bell
Opinion | 20 August 2013
A man was found dead on Thursday last week at Lwazi Street in Khayelitsha site B. He was later identified by the police as 22-year-old Wonke “Oscar” Mchasa.
Nwabisa Pondoyi
Brief | 14 August 2013
On Sunday activists from the Social Justice Coalition (SJC) staged a picket outside the Langa Methodist Church where National Police Commissoner Riah Phiyega was addressing a Women’s Day Service.
Pharie Sefali
News | 14 August 2013
With regard to Mitchells Plain town centre: it's really frustrating in how law enforcement apply th… Read more
This letter is to the City officials: I've read through the article. Nowhere does it state what … Read more
We got to this clinic so early and the queue wasn't that long. The nurses here have a bad reputatio… Read more
YCH received approval for all their housing schemes from both Provincial Government and the SHRA. T… Read more
To the Mayor of Cape Town You say the City works for you. People gets evicted every day in this … Read more