Our health in brief - part one: Workers’ compensation and the Road Accident Fund
Illustration: Lisa Nelson
This is the first of a four brief series on health expenditure in the public and private sectors. It discusses commonly ignored components of health expenditure: provision in workplaces, and medical expenditure financed from the Compensation Fund and the Road Accident Fund.
The literature on the extent of health services provided at work places or funded by institutions, such as the Department of Labour’s Compensation Fund and the Road Accident Fund in South African is remarkably thin. The reason for this is a lack of systematic collection of information about them, either in terms of people served or of expenditure on them. This means that there is a gap in estimates of aggregate expenditure on health and its distribution across classes of beneficiaries.
To be clear: expenditure on occupational safety and measures to minimise the incidence of occupational disease are part of the cost of doing business and should not be counted as part of aggregate health expenditure. But, even when best practice is applied, there will be accidents and occupational disease, and the cost of treating these at the workplace and through fund payments is part of health expenditure. Moreover, some workplaces offer health services which go beyond the treatment of accidents and occupational diseases.
The legal framework
The Occupational Health and Safety Act (85 of 1993) and regulations establishes obligations on employers in sectors other than mining and provides a governance framework. The Mine Health and Safety Act (29 of 1996) and regulations cover mines. The Labour Relations Act (66 of 1995) allows for the establishment of bargaining councils that have the right to establish and administer pension, provident funds, sick pay and medical aids for the benefit of the members.
The Road Accident Fund (56 of 1996) and the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (130 of 1993) cover the Road Accident Fund and the Compensation Fund respectively.
Occupational health and safety data
Table 1 sets out occupational health and safety information submitted by South Africa to the International Labour Organization. The data are spotty and a few implausible estimates are omitted.
Court awards against provincial health departments in medical malpractice suits are another source of funding for medical expenses. These awards will be counted as part of provincial expenditure on health.
Year |
Days lost to |
Fatal |
Non-fatal injuries |
Inspections |
Inspectors |
2010 |
347,757 |
185 |
192,129 |
1,318 |
2011 |
172,300 |
2012 |
101,792 |
2013 |
101,792 |
1,252 |
2014 |
180,818 |
1,250 |
2015 |
186,971 |
2016 |
685,405 |
307 |
155,427 |
185,958 |
1,310 |
2017 |
214,946 |
1,294 |
2018 |
218,919 |
1,280 |
Creamer Engineering News reports that according to the National Institute of Occupational Health, only about 11% to 18% of private-sector employers, excluding mines, provide workplace-based health services, with larger employers more likely to provide these services (See source 5 in the gray box at the end of the article).
The mining industry has the most intensive workplace health care. It aims to screen all workers for HIV, TB, hypertension and diabetes. Table 2A sets out the achievement in 2019. Table 2B presents reported occupational diseases in 2019.
Total employment |
449,246 |
Initial medical examinations |
168,347 |
Periodical medical examinations |
464,931 |
Exit medical examinations |
101,354 |
Counselled for HIV |
315,381 |
Tested for HIV |
210,456 |
HIV positive |
13,101 |
HIV plus TB |
895 |
On ARVs |
12,858 |
Screened for TB |
437,199 |
Diagnosed with TB |
1,403 |
On TB treatment |
1,729 |
Screened for hypertension |
72% |
Screened for diabetes |
69% |
Silicosis |
374 |
Pulmonary TB |
1,533 |
Silico-TB |
22 |
Noise induced hearing loss |
903 |
Coal workers pneumoconiosis |
46 |
Asbestosis |
8 |
Other |
244 |
Total (as given) |
3,130 |
For the purposes of estimating aggregate health expenditure, one needs an estimate of expenditure on workplace health services. Only a back of the envelope estimate is possible.
Assuming that mean expenditure per employee in mining was R1,000 in 2019, that mean expenditure per covered employee outside mining was much lower at R250 per year, and that 20% of formal sector workers outside of agriculture, mining and community services are provided with workplace health services, then aggregate expenditure was R880 million during 2019 (see Table 3). This represents about 0.025% of gross value added in the formal sector in that year.
Employment |
Covered workers |
Expenditure per worker |
Expenditure |
Thousands |
Rand |
R million |
Mining |
449 |
449 |
1000 |
449 |
Other formal sector |
8619 |
1724 |
250 |
431 |
All |
880 |
Medical benefits paid by the Compensation Fund and Road Accident Fund
The next two tables present information on expenditure on medical benefits by the Compensation Fund and the Road Accident Fund.
Year |
R million |
2015/16 |
2,670 |
2016/17 |
2,964 |
2017/18 |
2,426 |
2018/19 |
2,538 |
2019/20 |
2,741 |
Year |
Claims |
Average settlement |
Aggregate (R million) |
2015/16 |
116,380 |
10,447 |
1,216 |
2016/17 |
137,740 |
15,030 |
2,070 |
2017/18 |
174,106 |
10,621 |
1,849 |
2018/19 |
234,146 |
15,392 |
3,604 |
2019/20 |
180,443 |
18,568 |
3,350 |
Medical expenditures in 2019/20 identified in this brief are estimated at:
Workplace expenditures |
R0.9 billion |
Compensation Fund |
R2.7 billion |
Road Accident Fund |
R3.4 billion |
Total: |
R7.0 billion |
Jeebhay MF, Jacobs B. Occupational Health services in South Africa, Chapter 19, South African Health Review 1999, Health Systems Trust.
Shahieda Adams, Reno Morar, Tracy Kolbe-Alexander and Mohamed F Jeebhay, Health and Health Care in the Workplace, Chapter 7, South African Health Review 2007, Health Systems Trust. The section on the legislative framework is still largely relevant, but statistical data are outdated.
Debbie Budlender and Shaheeda Sadeck, Bargaining Council and other benefit schemes, Report prepared for the National Treasury, Community Agency for Social Enquiry, June 2007. The report is good on how these schemes work, but statistical data are outdated. Budlender and Sadeck reported that, in 2007, 15 bargaining councils indicated that they had a medical or sick benefit fund or scheme of some sort. All these funds assist employees in meeting the costs of health care. Ways in which this is done include covering medical fees, providing free or cheap consultations with panel doctors, and provision of care through clinics operated by the fund (Budlender and Sadeck, op cit.). The Council for Medical Schemes Annual Report for 2019/20 lists five Bargaining Council medical aids: the Building and Construction Industry Medical Aid Fund, the Fishing Industry Medical Scheme, the Food Workers Medical Benefit Fund, the LA-Health Medical Scheme, and Motohealth Care. Some bargaining councils also have sick pay funds, disability cover schemes, and survivor benefit funds, but these provide income replacement rather than health services.
Heather McLeod, NHI and Workplace Healthcare, National Health Insurance Policy Brief 15, Innovative Medicines South Africa, 15 December 2010
Tracy Hancock, Economic difficulties creating OHS challenges in South Africa, Creamer Media’s Engineering News, 20 September 2019
Department of Labour, Compensation Fund Annual Reports. The most recent is the 2018/19 report. It provides information on medical benefits paid out in 2018.
Road Accident Fund, Annual Report. The most recent is the 2019/20 report. It provides information on medical settlements paid out in 2019.
Department of Energy and Mineral Resources, Key facts and figures, Mine health and safety statistics, January 2020
Department of Mineral Resources and Energy, Mine Health and Safety Inspectorate, Annual Report 2019/20
International Labour Organization, ILOSTAT, Statistics on safety and health at work, available at https://ilostat.ilo.org/topics/safety-and-health-at-work. Data are reported on days lost due to occupational injury, fatal and non-fatal injuries and inspections up to 2018. The data are spotty and sometimes clearly unreliable.
Occupational Health Southern Africa. This is the only dedicated journal for the occupational health disciplines in southern Africa. It is the official journal of The South African Society of Occupational Medicine, The South African Society of Occupational Health Nursing Practitioners, The Southern African Institute for Occupational Hygiene, and The Mine Medical Professionals’ Association. Its objective is to keep occupational health practitioners current with the latest research, especially African research. The focus is on occupational medicine, nursing and hygiene, as well as primary health care at the workplace, safety and other employee health benefits.