Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

Topic: Social Grants  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

If I don't withdraw all the money from my SASSA grant, will the remainder be lost?

No, the money will not disappear, but SASSA says you need to withdraw some of the grant money within 90 days.

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How can I apply for a disability grant if I cannot get to the SASSA office?

You can ask a family member or friend to apply on your behalf. They must take a letter from you and a doctor's note saying why you can't visit the office yourself.

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Will my disability grant automatically become an old age grant when I turn 60?

Yes, it will. The amount paid for the old age grant is the same as for the disability grant.

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My mother still hasn't received her full grant after being short paid in September 2023.

You should contact Postbank either by phone or email.

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Can SASSA put my pension under review without warning me? How can I complain about a rude SASSA official?

You must be given three months' notice of the review by SASSA. You can complain about the official to SASSA directly.

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What can I do if a credit provider does not deduct the agreed amount?

You can file a complaint with the credit ombud but you must first notify the credit provider and give them 20 days to fix it.

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What should we do now that my son's Child Support Grant payment has stopped because the primary care giver died?

You should go to the SASSA office and explain the situation and why you are applying for the Child Support Grant.

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How can I stop unauthorised deductions from my SASSA grant?

You can submit a dispute of the deduction to SASSA

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Can I reopen my worker's compensation case if I was retrenched after being injured on duty?

If your injury happened less than two years ago, your injury on duty case should still be open.

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Do I have to give proof of residence of both the houses I own to SASSA, when applying for a social grant?

The proof of residence is only required for the house that you actually live in.

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