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Topic: Immigration | Show questions and answers for all topics
South Africa's High Commission in Nigeria is over-burdened. You many have to engage the services of a lawyer.
No, you should not be refused a visa because of your HIV-positive.
If one of the parents is South African, the girls are automatically South African citizens.
The Refugees Act says that if you have “just cause” for not renewing your permit in time, you may not pay a fine or be imprisoned.
Yes, you can apply for a spousal visa.
The answers to your questions are far from clear and we recommend contacting an organisation like Lawyers for Human Rights
Here's where you can go for legal advice
Here are the various steps the application goes through, according to the Department of Home Affairs
Yes, the courts have ruled that asylum seekers are entitled to claim UIF benefits.
You may need to get legal advice. Here are some organisations which might help.